
Hello I'm George [Removed by Moderator]. Or George, if the full name is too much of a mouthful to say.

I was diagnosed with Autism back in 2011 and since then life has been a long journey of self discovery, which has had its ups and downs admittedly but been thrilling most of the way.

I'm quite lonely in life so am hoping being a part of a community will help me with that.

Take care.

Edited due to breaking online community rule number 2:

This Community forum is public, so do not post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself. 

  • Hello George, welcome to the forum.

    It can be quite lively here at times, and as we're drawn together by diversity rather than conformity, you stand a fighting chance of fitting in.


  • Hello George, welcome to the forum.

    It can be quite lively here at times, and as we're drawn together by diversity rather than conformity, you stand a fighting chance of fitting in.

