New and looking for advice

Hello everyone. I want my daughter who is 19 years old to be tested for autism. It is something that she also wants as she wants answers to why she is the way she is. I’m presuming it is a long process with the NHS. I just wondered if anyone could share their experience with the diagnosis process and how you got it. NHS or private? Thank you for your time Slight smile

  • I was told the NHS waiting list was 2-3 years+ (Glasgow) so I decided to go private.

    I spoke to two providers listed on the NAS website before choosing.

    Within approx 3 weeks I had an initial 2 hour face to face consultation where we talked about my life history, what I experience etc. I was also given numerous forms to fill in.

    A week or so later I had two more face to face sessions totalling about 3.5 hours. They were for an IQ test and the ADOS test.

    Separately they also interviewed two people who know me. I wasn’t present for that.

    About a month later I went back in for a feedback session, my diagnosis result and my report.

    The whole process felt a bit like being reborn. I learned a huge amount about myself and felt seen and understood for the first time in my life.

  • Hi, due you mind if I ask did you have any issue with your GP and GG&Clyde NHS accepting a private diagnosis.  I'm just starting the process and GP has put in referal but its to Community Mental Health Team as he said even if I went private I'd still need to complete the NHS assessment.

  • I haven’t even spoken to my GP since my diagnosis, although they were sent a copy.

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