Well, hello there

Hey, I'm Teknoid.

I have autism, received my diagnosis during my teens. I'm fascinated by technology of all kinds and like to game and do creative writing. I used to enjoy gardening, still do but I've got to go careful because of a heart defect - not exactly ideal at twenty six but ya' know, them the brakes.

Have to keep moving and not break my stride of awesomeness! 

My tips for getting through the day ;) 


  • Hi there, Teknoid! I'm a rampant tea drinker but yes, can't live without that caffeine kick. I guess it's an addiction (but a socially acceptable one).

    What games do you like? I have a Switch and I like indie games a lot. Plus, I do a lot of creative writing as well. It's a therapeutic release. 

  • Hi there, Teknoid! I'm a rampant tea drinker but yes, can't live without that caffeine kick. I guess it's an addiction (but a socially acceptable one).

    What games do you like? I have a Switch and I like indie games a lot. Plus, I do a lot of creative writing as well. It's a therapeutic release. 

  • Hii Baked Potato! I used to drink tea but I had a coffee with cream and I never went back to tea. Maybe one day I'll go back haha but for now coffee is my fuel.

    Have you got the new Switch? I bought one I really like the games they have and they are nice and compact which is desirable. I like all games to be honest! I'm especially in to Mario games. I do a lot of PC gaming as well generally shooter games - they are meant to be good for your hand eye coordination.