
Hello, I'm Croc. 

I'm an autistic man in his twenties. I was diagnosed with autism when I was still at secondary school, which explained why I was struggling so much in the busy and harsh environment of school! 

It also explained why I have such an interest with crocodiles - my special interest. The same with classic cars.

Life with autism is hard, sometimes feel like giving up but I enjoy life and am hoping that things will improve with time. I've struggled mentally these last few years but this year has been a little brighter.

I've currently been listening to the music of Roy Orbison which I've really been getting in to. I've been repeating You Got It and California Blue for most of the day, whilst writing about crocodiles! 

See you around this place. Slight smile

  • Oh, the alligators would be furious if they knew that you're more interested in crocodiles!  

    I love the phrase:

    "See you later, alligator!" 

    "In a while, crocodile!"

    Other than that, I don't know much about crocodiles. 

  • Oh, the alligators would be furious if they knew that you're more interested in crocodiles!  

    I love the phrase:

    "See you later, alligator!" 

    "In a while, crocodile!"

    Other than that, I don't know much about crocodiles. 

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