
Hi I'm Holly. I'm 27 and have autism, I just started working with preschool kids for the first time. Two days last week, just afternoons and today was my first proper full day and I did it! I was successful! I'm home again now, feeling exhausted but proud of myself.

It can be a loud environment to work in but the kids are amazing and I love playing games with them all day. I've also managed to cut down on caffeine and have only drank tea today!

My hobbies and interests are writing, singing, reading, music, Lego and watching stuff.

My favourite colour is purple.

I'm currently binge watching the Bones TV series.

  • Hi Holly! Welcome, you should feel proud of yourself for achieving that big milestone in your life!!!

    My Favourite colour is also Purple, if you haven't watched Chernobyl the TV series, I would recommend it if you're into shows like that.

  • Hi Holly! Welcome, you should feel proud of yourself for achieving that big milestone in your life!!!

    My Favourite colour is also Purple, if you haven't watched Chernobyl the TV series, I would recommend it if you're into shows like that.

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