

I hope I'm okay posting as I don't actually have a diagnosis, but I suspect I have ASD and have booked a GP appointment to discuss this.

I'm a 30 year old female, and have always struggled with things but have always been able to hide it. Since I had children (a 2 year old and an 8 week old), however, i've struggled much more to the point that my husband has noticed.

I don't have anyone to really talk to about my suspicions as I know that my family members will just dismiss it. I'm hoping that this community might help with that.

  • Hi mardy bum...love that song 

    If there is one piece of advice I can give you is this, depending on your gp, if at all your gp tries to brush things off or play things down, please be strong, speak up for yourself as best you can and don't leave until you feel your gp is taking you seriously and either refers you, or gives you a number for self referral.

    When my second child was approx 18 months old, that was the first time ever I went to my gp as I simply could not cope, he kept insisting I was depressed, back then I wasn't, just desperate. Upon refusing anti depressants he then offered me iron tablets. I cried all the way home that day, and have probably cried most days since, and that was neat 30 years ago. Eventually to cut a long story short, I was diagnosed autism/adhd aged 49, I am now 54.

    I also took my very introverted son to the doctors aged approx 14, expressed all my concerns, explained everything and was sent away. My son was diagnosed autistic this year aged 30. 

    I have recently just spoke to my grandchilds teacher, explaining I see enough traits in my grandchild for me to see the red flags, so fat I haven't been to impressed with response given. Have things improved...Time will tell.

    So my advice is, please don't leave your GPS surgery deflated, feeling misunderstood and like you are going mad, because a lifetime of struggle and masking will drive you mad. 

    I'd also be interested to know if your doctor offers you sertraline or citalapran, it seems to be doctors first suggestion, you're depressed take these. 

    Let us know how you get on .

  • Hi mardy bum...love that song 

    If there is one piece of advice I can give you is this, depending on your gp, if at all your gp tries to brush things off or play things down, please be strong, speak up for yourself as best you can and don't leave until you feel your gp is taking you seriously and either refers you, or gives you a number for self referral.

    When my second child was approx 18 months old, that was the first time ever I went to my gp as I simply could not cope, he kept insisting I was depressed, back then I wasn't, just desperate. Upon refusing anti depressants he then offered me iron tablets. I cried all the way home that day, and have probably cried most days since, and that was neat 30 years ago. Eventually to cut a long story short, I was diagnosed autism/adhd aged 49, I am now 54.

    I also took my very introverted son to the doctors aged approx 14, expressed all my concerns, explained everything and was sent away. My son was diagnosed autistic this year aged 30. 

    I have recently just spoke to my grandchilds teacher, explaining I see enough traits in my grandchild for me to see the red flags, so fat I haven't been to impressed with response given. Have things improved...Time will tell.

    So my advice is, please don't leave your GPS surgery deflated, feeling misunderstood and like you are going mad, because a lifetime of struggle and masking will drive you mad. 

    I'd also be interested to know if your doctor offers you sertraline or citalapran, it seems to be doctors first suggestion, you're depressed take these. 

    Let us know how you get on .

  • Thank you. I'm a little anxious about going to the GP to be honest. Part of me feels silly to be going to them about this because I'm an adult, even though I know that doesn't really make sense. I think maybe it's fear of being laughed out of the place.

    I've been back and forth over going since I booked the appointment in October. My husband has thankfully been very supportive and has persistently convinced me to keep the appointment. 

    With regards to the GP offering antidepressants, I'm afraid I won't be a great example as I do also have depression and anxiety, and so already take sertraline! Though to be fair, a lot of my depression seems to surround me not feeling normals, struggling with socialisation and relationships, and not being able to connect with my emotions very well. I've always just felt really odd.