Diagnosis of Mild EUPD specifically emotional dysregulation

I had a call from my cpn today after having an assessment with a psychiatrist last year who highlighted she wanted further evaluation of ASD ADHD & BPD.

I had an adhd assessment this year which came back as No Adhd.

I asked what the waiting list was for my referral to the adult autism team now and the Cpn said no you won’t be referred. During your adhd assessment the information gathered has been discussed at a multidisciplinary team and all involved agreed of a diagnosis of Mild EUPD specifically Emotional dysregulation. 

I challenged her and said I was told last year ADHD assessment 1st then ASD assessment and she said I do not meet the threshold to be referred to Adult autism team. I’m so angry and upset.

I felt during the assessment I was highly masking due to it being a male assessor and she said I’m sorry but this may not be the diagnosis you feel is right but we have made a decision and have known you for 5 years and have lots of evidence and everything points to mild EUPD specifically Emotional dysregulation.r

Parents Reply Children
  • Hello, I’m not sure why I’ve not had an alert in my emails when you responded last month. I may have missed it but I’m not 100% sure. I Apologise for the late reply to you. 

    I am in Scotland we don’t have right to choose here. All the process was completely through NHS. 

    Ive since spoke with the CMHT around what parts of the assessment for adhd that I failed to meet the diagnostic criteria. I was told no adhd diagnosis was given as I do not have a parent or adult who knew me prior to the age of 12 to support the under 12 part of the assessment. I said if I had a person who confirmed what I said would I have received a diagnosis then and I was told yes.

    This was really difficult for me to hear as I was brought up in and out of care from the age of 6-16 and I no longer have contact with my mother and my father is dead. This makes it impossible to have anyone to support that stage of my life. I was either in respite care, childrens homes or residential care. I’ve had so many different social workers I’ve lost count. How do you find these people who knew you back then. It’s impossible route to go down. 

    The CPN said if I had an ASD assessment it would be the same result as ADHD assessment as I don’t have anyone to confirm prior to age 12. She said she won’t start the ASD process anyway as she feels it’s Mild EUPD with emotional dysregulation.