I feel like I don't know who I am

Hi, I haven't had a clinical diagnosis yet. But I spoke to a new GP who said he thinks there's a strong possibility I have autism (after a chat, and an aq test. Based on his professional, and personal experience). And a lot of puzzle pieces have fallen into place. Obviously I've recently done a lot of research and tried to get my head around all of this. And I agree, autism would answer a lot of questions. (Being diagnosed with autism isn't something I was looking for, I just wondered if there was a deeper cause for the anxiety and depression I've had since I was young).

However, I also completed the cat-q test, and quite frankly, the results have scared me. I'm 42, and have always been the odd one out in any social groups, so being a bit different has always been normal for me, although not very nice at times. I scored 145 in the cat-q test, which is pretty high I believe. I've also recently lost interest in a hobby I've had since I was a teen. It's really made me question who I am. I genuinely didn't realise I masked that much. And now I feel like a fraud, or like my life has been a facade. I don't know who the real me is.

Kinda hoping for some reassurance, and friendly advice I guess. I have literally no one I can talk to about this. I feel the most isolated I ever have been recently. 

Oh, I'm new here, so if this is in the wrong place or anything, just let me know.

  • ah we share something in common, i too dont know who you are! lol

    the losing interest in hobbies or things you enjoyed is often a classic depression thing, alot of people will get that one. also its pretty normal to lose interest in things you have exhausted and done time and again.... its no wonder that repeating a thing we have done for years can also make us depressed as it makes us question whats the point and that its same thing different day for entire life.

  • ah we share something in common, i too dont know who you are! lol

    the losing interest in hobbies or things you enjoyed is often a classic depression thing, alot of people will get that one. also its pretty normal to lose interest in things you have exhausted and done time and again.... its no wonder that repeating a thing we have done for years can also make us depressed as it makes us question whats the point and that its same thing different day for entire life.

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