PIP refusal

Hi I was just wondering how other autistic adults have found the PIP experience? Has anyone been successful in getting PIP? How did you explain your struggles? I got my decision today and they said I don’t qualify. Any help would be appreciated thank you 

  • Everything you write when you fill in the pip form has to be backed-up with medical evidence.
    Supporting evidence is needed as we could all write write anything on the form.
    They award points based on proof.

  • Proof, medical evidence!

    That's just it.  It is very difficult to get proof of mental or social disabilities, physical disabilities are obvious, but mental ones, they think we are just making up our problems.

    At my pip application I submitted evidence from my previous employer who dismissed me at a formal disciplinary hearing making the point that my communication and behaviour problems were so severe making me unemployable.  I still received zero pip points.  All evidence was ignored.

  • Proof, medical evidence!

    That's just it.  It is very difficult to get proof of mental or social disabilities, physical disabilities are obvious, but mental ones, they think we are just making up our problems.

    At my pip application I submitted evidence from my previous employer who dismissed me at a formal disciplinary hearing making the point that my communication and behaviour problems were so severe making me unemployable.  I still received zero pip points.  All evidence was ignored.
