Weighing up whether to get assessed or not.


I've joined in recent days and haven't yet formally introduced myself so thought I'd do so. I'm a 30-something guy from just outside of London and, after for a few months suspected I might have ADHD, it's recently come to my awareness that I might well have autism with possibly ADHD too. There are lots of mixed emotions and thoughts rolling around my head, as I understand is quite common for those who've recently had a sort of revelation / are in the "limbo" period of getting formally assessed. I live with my parents and I've gradually had the courage to share my suspicions with them, too, and they've been as supportive as they can be and supporting my choice to get privately assessed if I want to. 

After some hesitation, I decided last week to pay the deposit on getting assessed for an upcoming date in about a month.

I’ve found myself wondering things like “How will I cope with the diagnosis/label of autism?”; “Who am I supposed to tell?”; “How would friends/a partner react”?

It all feels a bit overwhelming at this moment in time. For those of you who have received a diagnosis:

- Were you happy to have pursued & received your autism diagnosis?
- Have there been any difficulties/downsides with the diagnosis?

I'd appreciate any thoughts anyone has to share, however short or long.

Thank you in advance, 


  • Thank you for sharing your experience. I think masking has been a theme for me too (both IRL and online, I think!). I had previously just thought it was down to me being a highly sensitive (HSP)/empathic person. 

    Nice to hear about the support you've gotten with your counsellor, and that you're feeling calmer and more content it sounds like. I've recently started seeing one, and I'm thinking the support could be helpful following the assessment, whatever the outcome. 

  • Hello, that's a good question. To cut a long story short, I ran an online course last year that attracted lots of "neurodivergent" folks (plenty of ADHD, but others too). That led to conversations and reflection; after think I had adhd, it now feels that I *don't* have that, not on its own anyway. I think both ADHD and autism run in the family; though also not sure if I'm seeking out the label(s). I recently was part of a course for "autistic entrepreneurs" which, again, brought up a lot that made sense. It would make lots of sense though, and I've increasingly been getting the. (I don't fit the typical "male" experience even though I'm a guy; interestingly, it's from hearing about the experience with women/girls that has spoken most to me). I've recently started seeing a therapist, and I'm hoping that any diagnosis might be useful to explore with her. 

  • I don't see it as a label, but a way to explain how my brain is wired. I have used what I've learned to inform my mental health as this has been the biggest thing I've struggled with. As a "high functioning" person (masking = burnout) I needed proof to back myself up. Maybe think about what you would like to get out of it. It's hard to say how others will react but you don't have to tell anyone you don't want to.

    There was always a niggle going for assessment "but what if I'm not" ...but I wanted to get to the bottom of it either way. I am happy to have done it although there's no post diagnosis help available. A private neurodivergent counsellor has been the best thing and I maybe couldve gone straight down that path however I didn't know such a thing existed until recently. It's a bit of a process you go through but I'm glad I did it.  I now have permission to be myself. Everything is a lot calmer. This is just my experience. Good luck.

  • Hello ABG,

    I'm interested to know why you want a diagnosis. Are you looking for a confirmation of autism? I'm not asking these questions to be difficult or anything. It's just that many people align with autistic traits and seek diagnosis to affirm their beliefs. This isn't really what a psychologist does. What they will do is assess your responses to certain questions perhaps include some exercises to examine your thinking etc. They might decide you are not autistic or you don't have ADHD or they might conclude you have autism but not ADHD and vice versa. Have you considered this?  Getting an assessment with a trained and experienced psychologist is an insightful experience but it may not lead to the diagnosis you seek. If you do get a diagnosis, it may not be 'the answer' to everything. There's little help or support out there for adults on the spectrum and even less for those of us with ADHD as well. For some reason, people seem to think that autism (and ADHD) seem to stop needing support as soon as we hit 18. It's up to you who you tell about any diagnosis you receive. People on here are generally friendly and supportive but this is not true in the general world I've noticed so just bear that in mind.

  • Thank you for the heads-up; I did do a quick search and found a couple of threads with relevant/useful responses, but I'll have another look/dig. 

  • To put it succinctly, getting diagnosed wasn't a magic bullet that fixed all the problems I have, but it helps a little to make sense of it all and maybe over time it will help a lot. I can't really think of any downsides other than the way they just kinda leave you to get on with it afterwards.

  • Good morning agb,

    May I suggest that you use the search button on this forum to try and find the many, many past threads that have covered the questions that you have asked above.

    This is a topic that is raised so very often - and there seems no rhyme nor reason as to whether "people" respond en mass or not.

    Unfortunately, the search functionality is VERY poor and will probably require some effort to find what you are looking for......but I can assure you that there many threads there to be found that will display the mixed and varied opinions and experiences that you seek.

    Kind regards


  • I suppose you could write a pros and cons list for what you think you will get out of being assessed.

    I was diagnosed autistic as a child but it never felt like the full story I never got-on-with (it was okay but we never really clicked) the other autistic kids I met at school even though I met a lot of the classic criteria to get teh diagnosis in the first place. Now I'm being sent to get assessed for ADHD because the more I have to relt on myself the more I realsie I have no internal sense of structure and it's causing issues to my executive functioning the more complex my life gets in adulthood. So Now I need the ADHD assessment as much for closure as  getting additional support.

    I dunno if you can relate to that but it's what prompted me to seek it. I hope that info helps.