Help - explaining autism to a 10 year old

Good Morning, 

I am looking for some help/advice.  My daughter who is 10 years old has recently found out she has Autism.  This came about whilst attending a Holiday Club and staff were taking about the children in their care and another child overheard this conversation.  This child has then walked over to my daughter and said "eurgghh you have autism, m not playing with you as I'll catch it!" 

As you can imagine this upset my daughter incredibly and also did not allow me to explain her diagnosis to her in a way that she will understand. Can anyone recommend any literature/resources that myself and School can use to explain this to my daughter. 

She has googled Autism and has focussed in on a couple of words - 'very clever', 'genius' which is now impacting on her at school as she thinks that as she has autism she is a genius so her work is correct and gets very upset when her teachers ask her to check her work or repeat it. 

Any help would be greatly accepted 

Thank you