
Autism and ADHD not dignosed yet on the pathway
i love elliott with all my heart. but things are just getting to much each day is a stuggle. he wont sit in the pram wont even walk just sits on the floors and cries throws himself back all the time. we have tired to pick him up to carry him but he flings himself backwards. we put him on our shoulders but we phyically cant do it anymore he too heavy.
we cant even go to town its meltdown after meltdown.
we tired toys to distracted him we done headphones playing games etc.. even getting on the bus causes a meldown.
he wakes up at 5am everyday im exshauted and soon as he wakes up it mealtdown .
he now throwing his toys around kicking punching slapping spitting at you.
he just getting so hard to handle and i dont know what else to do. feel like crying i just wont to stay in all the time. as taking him out is just too much
the only break we get from elliott is nursery 2 days a week 12.30 till 2.45
we cant even let him play on the massive football pitch near salt arye as he would just run away no sense of danger we can shout and shout his name and he doesnt even look back at you or even acknowledge your there..
being part verbal aswell must be so hard to tell me or daddy what he needs