

  • 1) Talk to him about it rather than sharing his personal details on the Internet where anyone can read them.

    2) There is actually information on this website already about how to seek a diagnosis, but that would be something he has to decide for himself rather than a partner do it for him.

    3) If he does choose to get an assessment, (which can be a waiting list of up to 3 years) and is diagnosed, there is very little support out there for adults, especially if you can already hold a job. It's mostly a case of self-education and finding community.

    4) The term Aspergers is not very widely used anymore for various reasons. We just talk about autism and how it can affect people in diverse ways.

    This may sound very direct, and I'm totally here for anyone who comes here to ask questions for their own journey.  But you haven't even stated if you've discussed this with him and you're publishing a lot of personal stuff here, possibly without his knowledge or consent and that is problematic.