
My name is Daniel. I am 32 years old from South Wales.  I'm not diagnosed as autistic currently.  I finally took the step of going to the GP and getting referred for an autism assessment back in May. It's disappointing that it will be a 19 month wait minimum to be assessed. I guess this is standard at the moment across the country.  

If I do get diagnosed I'll become one of those you read about online who was diagnosed later in life as an adult. 

I hope the discussion forum is welcome of those without a diagnosis currently.  I'm not sure what else to say about myself at the moment as I don't want to overthink it too much but also I don't want to write a long essay about myself which I'm prone to doing. 

  • Thank you Mariusz. This will be helpful, as I would say at the moment I am at a loss at what to do, who to talk to and what to look at. This is why I have come here and will try giving this a go. 

    Thankfully a student at my university whose autistic reached out to me on Twitter and I'm now talking regularly about things like the diagnostic process, how I'm feeling and what I've noticed about myself over the years. This is a start 

  • Welcome, read and learn, find out how much in common you have, what to do about meltdowns, burnouts etc

    I recommend watching autistamatic channel www.youtube.com/.../Autistamatic