Support Groups in Worcestershire

Hi everyone,

Does anyone know of any parental support groups in the Worcester area - formal or informal !

My son was finally diagnosed with Aspergers in December, just weeks after his 7th birthday, following a traumatic year at school. I have worried about his tantrums and aggressive behaviour since he was 3 but it never occurred to me that it might be an ASD.  

He is my eldest son so I had no point of reference. His Dad and I split up when he was only a few months old, so I was a single mum for the first couple of years, and we are very close ,ost of the time. Since reading the books his Dad and I actually agree that his dad was probably on the spectrum too, which explains a lot.  I now have a new partner and a second son and when I watch him playing I realise just how different their imagination and social interaction is - it is almost comical they are so far apart. I sometimes wonder how I didn't spot it before.

The hardest part is dealing with the aggressive outbursts. He is the most loving and affectionate little boy one minute and extremely intelligent, then a few minutes later he is tearing pictures off the walls and throwing books at my head telling me he hates me ! He hits, kicks and throws things. We haven't worked out all of the triggers yet and I suspect we never will - it is emotionally draining.

My partner is great with him ( has more patience than I do ! ) but we don't have any family support nearby so it can get pretty stressful when he is going through a bad patch. I am hoping that this community will give me a bit of perspective and stop me going insane !

We are just about to start the formal process of Statementing.

I don't know any other families with autistic children, and it would be so nice to meet other parents who are experiencing the same issues.



  • I am the very proud Auntie of James now 20 years old, diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome 15 years ago, now in his 2nd year at Derby University studying Maths, playing rugby, working at Edgbaston Cricket Ground during holidays to earn his own money and simply enjoying life. I may be biased but he is a wonderful young man: clever, handsome, funny and most loving. And yes, still struggling with Anger Management issues sometimes, finding certain social situations a little baffling and scarey and keen to find a new girlfriend!

    Although he attended mainstream schools in Birmingham which purported to have specialist knowledge and support, it was through the sheer dedication, determination and unconditional love of my sister in law, Helen and brother, Richard.....and the courage of James himself that he is now planning an independent future. With a little bit of help from his excellent Uni mentor and his proud and loving family.

     It's been tough.....very tough......and they'll always be issues to deal with.....but your son/your daughter can succeed and enjoy a great future. And a happy life. There is always hope, when you love someone as dearly as we love "our James."

  • Not sure if this is still of interest/need but the NAS now have a branch in Worcestershire and Herefordshire which launched last year - details at

  • Hi Mumthree,

    Have you had a look for NAS services in your area yet? If not, follow the link below to do so.

    Best wishes,

    Adél, NAS mod

  • Hi 

    I live in Worcestershire and have three children and my eldest son who is 7 years old has had a very difficult past year at school as we'll as being very challenging at home from an early age. We are now currently going through the assessment process in which Aspergers has been mentioned. I would be really interested in finding a support group locally or setting one up to meet other parents in similar situations.  Is anyone interested or know of any such groups.  

  • Please could I remind you about community rule number 3, about sharing personal information (copied below). In accordance with this rule, we would have to remove any personal details that are posted - remember this forum is public and anyone can see the messages that you post.

    Do not include personal information or ask others for personal information in messages. This includes names, addresses, emails or phone numbers. This is to protect your privacy.

    Adél, NAS moderator 

  • Hi Doodles,

    We are in Droitwich, so not too far from you.

    Would love to get together. Do you have a mobile where I can call or text to sort out ?

    Any other Aspie parents in the area who are up for a "self help" meeting would be more than welcome !!

  • Hi Firefly.

    We live in Bromsgrove. Where do you live? Would be good to get together. A lady from the Autism team is getting back to me re groups in Alvechurch. I'll keep you posted. 

    Anyone else like to get together?

  • Hi Doodles, I still haven't found a local support group for Asperger's. It has now been a year since our son was diagnosed. He has support at school and now has a statement of special needs. He sounds a lot like your son ..... Except we aren't having the night time meltdowns, thank goodness. He has  1:1 support at school, but still has occasional meltdowns. He was also diagnosed with ADHD last summer so now has medication for that. It seemed to be helping but he has reverted to his old practice of having really aggressive tantrums since he went back to school after Christmas. This has come to a head this week - his breakfast and after school club told us this week that they are no longer prepared to take him. Not sure what we are going to do as we both work and have no family locally who can help us out. Where abouts are you located ? If there is nothing out there for us, maybe we should just start getting together ourselves. We all need someone to talk to who understands how difficult it can be ! Let me know if you want to talk.
  • Does anyone know of any support groups my husband and I could go to? I hear there's one in Alvechurch, Red Lion pub.. Does anyone go there? Do you find it useful? I'm desperate to meet parents just like us who has a child on the spectrum. I find it very difficult to discuss things with friends and family since they don't really understand where I'm coming from, and I'm always left to feel neurotic. My son is now 10 years and was diagnosed last year, with Aspergers. He's been very difficult from birth and still is! We struggle every day with his anxiety which leads into anger outbursts, meltdowns, isolation and that's just a few things to list.... He tells me constantly he wants to end his life and this week has just started waking up in the night for hours, having meltdowns!

  • Hi

    We started a new meetup group to connect families, volunteers and professions.

    Hopefully as the list grows more people can be connected at local level. Also handy will be an easy to find web page with all the local groups and services available in that local area (council).   

    If you need a hand to create and manage a new local support group then PM me on Twitter. you only need two people to start a group. Build it and they will come...


    World Autism Awareness – seeing the world through the eyes of AUTISM

  • Hi, my son was formally diagnosed last year after a referral from his school and the CASBAT team. When we got the diagnosis ( it was a mixture of sadness and relief!), I asked "so what now?" and was told well that's it! There's no support for parents or advice on how to deal with it. Luckily my son is at a fantastic school who have gone out of their way to support him. He is on school action plus, dyslexia pathway (even though he's not dyslexic- the methods used help him) and now school have referred us to occupational health.

    It's really hard sometimes when he is playing up and other parents look at you as if to say 'why can't you control your child' and you don't always want to tell everyone that he's got Aspergers. I've read some really good books which help you to see the positive side of the situation, and have picked up useful tips like how to use their special interest as a way to teach them other things.

    My sons school have mentioned the idea of a support group to me, and I know a few other parents who would benefit rom talking to others in the same situation. The only group I did find was in Alvechurch and they were for children on the Autistic spectrum, and I know that my son would stick out like a sore thumb! Aspergers is a tricky one because they look 'normal' but struggle socially.

  • Hi Nicy,

    I just sat down to start preparing the latest parental representation forms for the statementing application and happened to check my emails. It is so nice to get a reply from someone in a similar situation to me ..... and it does sound very similar ! It has been a few months since I joined this site and posted the query and we are still no closer to getting any support so I was reassured that you hadn't found anything locally either, not that that is a good thing of course. Would be great if we could get a few parents together, however informally. 

    We are coping OK but I still find myself apologising for my son's behaviour when we are out and about Which I know isnt good. School has been pretty helpful with supporting him since his diagnosis. He has full time TA support which they have committed to continue whatever happens with the statement. That should at least get him the support he needs for the next couple of years. 

    Have you been through the process with your 9 yr old ? 

  • your situation sounds incredibly similar to my own. I have a 9 year old who was diagnosed last year with Aspergers. His father and I split up when he was 18 months old and he has had nothing to do with us since. I have since married a wonderful man and had another child, who is the exact opposite of my eldest son in every way! 

    I have found it extremely hard to get any support within Worcestershire. There seem to be adult AS groups but not children. I really think its time that we as parents got together and form our own group to exchange ideas and experiences.

  • Hi Firefly25,

    Thanks for posting your question. Have you searched our Signpost database on our website - We've just tried to do a quick search for parent/carer support groups in your area and found a few that may be useful.

    There is the Worchestershire Association of Carers: and also the Face 2 Face Network: that may be helpful.

    If you go to the Signpost page and enter your details, you can see which 'Key services' are available in your area. 

    Hope this helps and if you'd like more support, please email and I'll investigate further.

    Best wishes,
    Mike NAS 

  • Hi Rosemary


    Thanks for your reply. I checked the search on the NAS site but sounds like the local groups are in Gloucestershire or Stratford rather than near to me. May follow up with them anyway but was hoping that perhaps there might be something more informal locally.

    It was a bit of a long shot !

    It is not urgent, we are coping pretty well and my son's AS is not too severe in some respects .... but it is early days for us.



  • Sorry, I do know how to spell my name! Its Rosemary!!! LOL

  • Hi there firefly,

    Not sure if you know, but there is a page on this website which allows you to search for support groups in your area.

    I may have a link saved to favourites, if you struggle, but mine is for my region IYKWIM?

    Also, your local authority may have an autism team. Mine does. Just about to post on the other thread. Tried to last night but pc crashed.

    Roesmary xx