Wanting to get an assessment at 40

I am growing increasingly convinced over the last 3 years or so that I may have Aspergers.

it is becoming more and more apparent to me and I just want to know if i have it because it would be a massive relief and help me to explain to people why I am the way I am especially when it comes to sticking to a routine and socialising being a major source of anxiety.

i am really just fed up with being misunderstood I do not have depression but I do have social and general anxiety and also at health anxiety.

i have hypersensitive hearing and sense of smell and touch. 

‘I really feel it’s time to get assessed as pushing myself into being more social or into doing things does not in any way improve my aversion to wanting to be around lots of people I feel it means I have whole lot of acting to do and things to think of to talk about. 

How do I prepare for an appointment with my GP to discuss this? 

Is there somewhere where it lists what things to mention or examples? 

Also should I be prepared to be told I’m just overreacting or being silly? As this concerning me. 

Many thanks for your time in reading 

  • I was diagnosed Asperger's in my 40s a year ago. I too have lots of sensory issues, and it was a big spike in these (especially hearing) that eventually led me to join the dots and consider autism as the link.

    I did a LOT of reading (probably too much...it kinda got to bne my autistic special interest...) before i spoke to my GP (my area was actually self diagnosis, but I did speak to my GP first)

    As a starter I would recommend the AQ-10, then the fuller AQ-50 test.  See https://musingsofanaspie.com/aspie-tests/ (Especially if female) I would also recommend Cynthia Kim's website https://musingsofanaspie.com/ and book "nerdy shy and socially inappropriate"

    Do be prepared that it can be a very long process...in my area I was told adult waiting lists were up to 2 years. I was fortunate to be able to afford to go privately however.

  • I was diagnosed Asperger's in my 40s a year ago. I too have lots of sensory issues, and it was a big spike in these (especially hearing) that eventually led me to join the dots and consider autism as the link.

    I did a LOT of reading (probably too much...it kinda got to bne my autistic special interest...) before i spoke to my GP (my area was actually self diagnosis, but I did speak to my GP first)

    As a starter I would recommend the AQ-10, then the fuller AQ-50 test.  See https://musingsofanaspie.com/aspie-tests/ (Especially if female) I would also recommend Cynthia Kim's website https://musingsofanaspie.com/ and book "nerdy shy and socially inappropriate"

    Do be prepared that it can be a very long process...in my area I was told adult waiting lists were up to 2 years. I was fortunate to be able to afford to go privately however.
