Newbie :)

Hello. I’m new here. I have an 8 year old boy who received his diagnosis a year ago. Now I’m looking at a husband, a 28 year old stepson and a plethora of my husbands family members that are all showing up as asd too. I feel like the neuro-diverse on in this household.... so I just thought I’d say ‘hello’. We are doing ok right now. The difference hsving an excellent teacher makes! And we finally have the Cygnets course to help guide us through. It’s an interesting journey to be sure.....

  • Hello. I'm new here too. I also have a 8 year old boy and we are currently waiting for a response from my gp referral. My boy has seen a number of people, speech and language, ed psych, working daily with the SENCO, sensory therapists. Even with all this involvement we as a family feel lost, confused. We try every suggestion we have been given but we still don't feel like we get anywhere. The reason for this post is I was hoping for some sign posting or tips. Anything would be appreciated. Xxx 

  • Hello. I'm new here too. I also have a 8 year old boy and we are currently waiting for a response from my gp referral. My boy has seen a number of people, speech and language, ed psych, working daily with the SENCO, sensory therapists. Even with all this involvement we as a family feel lost, confused. We try every suggestion we have been given but we still don't feel like we get anywhere. The reason for this post is I was hoping for some sign posting or tips. Anything would be appreciated. Xxx 

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