Diagnosis process

I've been seeing a phycologist for PTSD for around 3 months. She has said from the start that she believes I am on the spectrum and last week completed the AQ and EQ question are with me. I scored 39 on the AQ and 10 on the EQ. 

Apparently this is a high indication. I just wandered what the next steps would be for diagnosis?

I am getting really anxious wandering what comes next. Thanks

  • Hi NAS51295, next steps will depend a little on where you live (and maybe your age), but would generally be a referral to a specialist for diagnosis - with potentially a long waiting list (referral from a GP can be an average of maybe 15 months - referral from other professionals may be quicker but someone else will be along to confirm that).

    I would say yes it's a high indication.

    What's causing your anxiety? The unknown? Worry about the outcome (diagnosis)?

    Keep talking in this forum - many have trodden the same path and you're in good company.

  • Im 22. I think she's qualified to make the diagnosis herself as is a clinical phycologist. I've been previously diagnosed with Emotionally unstable personality disorder but she thinks this is a misdiagnosis as often happens in females. 

    I think it's the unknown, don't like not knowing what's going to happen now etc and would rather not see anyone else as I've got to know her and am now comfortable talking to her.

  • I`ve just been diagnosis with A.S.D myself as from September 2018. I mean it only took 49 years as i too have a disability and i am just getting my head around it, trying to understand all these years. Sitting in a room with a person and your mother and older sister talking about you, how you turn out. all these years..

  • I`ve just been diagnosis with A.S.D myself as from September 2018. I mean it only took 49 years as i too have a disability and i am just getting my head around it, trying to understand all these years. Sitting in a room with a person and your mother and older sister talking about you, how you turn out. all these years..

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