New member with no-where to turn

I am a mum of 3.  2 boys 22 and 20 (eldest is diagnosed with Asppergers), 12 years old daughter not diagnosed but suspected.  We have got through the early years with my eldest 2 but now my Dd has started secondary school and she has fallen apart.  She cries daily and even phones me from school.  I am going back to the doctors for help but can’t see a solution anytime soon and she is falling apart.  Feeling quite desperate at the moment with no easy fix.

  • Hi NAS39512,

    In addition to the community advice, you may like to contact our Parent to Parent service who offers emotional support to parents and carers of children or adults with autism. This service is confidential and run by trained parent volunteers who are all parents themselves of a child or adult with autism .

    You contact the team on 0808 800 4106. Please leave a message and the team will call you back as soon as possible at a time that suits you, including evenings and weekends. Alternatively you can use contact the team via web form:

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi 

    I know the feeling of watching a daughter fall apart and not being able to fix it, although mine is only 7 at the moment, in addition to contacting the head of the school I would suggest asking for a meeting with the senco as they might be able to make adjustments to your daughters timetable or allow her to work in quieter areas so as not to overload her, if you are having no luck with gp referring for assessment ask the senco to contact school nursing team as they can refer her as well as advising school how to help, in some areas they can also arrange support for your daughter mine now receives help for anxiety and to help her understand how she is feeling 

    I wish you all the best, and you are not alone 

  • Hi NAS39512 There will be others who will give advice  as to Your daughter having problems and may be AS. My advice is to write a letter to the Head of your daughters school and requesting a meeting.( Copied for a record).

    Get advice from somewhere like IPSEA (google) Independent Parental Special Education Service as their website gives possible help. Also Contact The CAB, because they will know your local area and who may advise how to obtain trained  helpers who are able to attend any meeting at the school to support you. They do exist.

    Good luck.

  • Welcome to the forum.

    Although your daughter is a little younger, and some of the problems won't be exactly the same, I think you may find the thread at <this link> useful to read. The kind of burning out that you're seeing in your daughter is not uncommon as children approach and pass through their teens, as the parents in that thread have also discovered - you are not alone.

    Best wishes.