Older prediagnosis struggling

I am yet to be diagnosed and really struggling with all the faux pas I've probably committed over the years. I have extreme social anxiety, but when actually committed to a conversation I open up far too much and living in a small community its just making me not want to go out at all. 

I've tried masking for years but truth is I just don't have the energy to mask or keep friendships going. I'm panicking a lot and feel at odds with the world. I feel too much! I feel like a fraud as I have no diagnosis, I feel like I will lose the plot if I'm diagnosed and be even worse if I remain undiagnosed. I am sick of hearing were all on the spectrum it just doesn't help me at all I don't understand the world or the people in it and want to hide away or be mute.

I don't have any answers no one takes me seriously so I don't feel like I can talk about it. 

  • I feel likewise from time to time. I'm sure you are stronger than you think, sometimes you need help to bring out your strength. Trouble is often one can't find anyone close enough to help. Sites like this are quite useful. Also books and publications, especially ones about autism.

    For some people diagnosis helps - it's like a big weight off their shoulders. For others diagnosis actually makes them tighten up. Please consider carefully and then proceed with conviction the decision you come. Better days will come so stay strong.

  • I feel likewise from time to time. I'm sure you are stronger than you think, sometimes you need help to bring out your strength. Trouble is often one can't find anyone close enough to help. Sites like this are quite useful. Also books and publications, especially ones about autism.

    For some people diagnosis helps - it's like a big weight off their shoulders. For others diagnosis actually makes them tighten up. Please consider carefully and then proceed with conviction the decision you come. Better days will come so stay strong.

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