Missing piece of the puzzle


I've joined in the hope of understanding both myself and one of my sons. He has always had problems making friends ( as do I ) and his behaviour has become more problematic at home. I raised my concerns with the school and educational psychologist, who agree that he shows signs of being mildly autistic.

The more I read about the autistic spectrum the stronger the feeling grows that I was very much misunderstood as a child and why I feel so isolated as an adult. I want to help my son avoid that sense of not fitting in.

Can anyone recommend any books to read on the subject? Also is it worth asking my GP for a diagnosis for myself. I am 50 now so not sure if it's too late to get any support?


  • I always reccommend anything by Olga Bogdashina. Sorry everyone but I'm going to do it again! She has an Autistic daughter and seems to approach things on a both a professional and personal level. My issues are more sensory than anything else. Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome- Different Perceptual Worlds was a very comforting read to me. Lots of relatable stuff for me.

    She's also written Communication Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Do We Speak the Same Language?, and Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A View from the Bridge. The latter sounds like a book that might be something you might find useful.

    This guy has a pretty comprehensive list of books that he talks you through. He's on the spectrum and covers the ins and outs of them.


  • I always reccommend anything by Olga Bogdashina. Sorry everyone but I'm going to do it again! She has an Autistic daughter and seems to approach things on a both a professional and personal level. My issues are more sensory than anything else. Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome- Different Perceptual Worlds was a very comforting read to me. Lots of relatable stuff for me.

    She's also written Communication Issues in Autism and Asperger Syndrome: Do We Speak the Same Language?, and Theory of Mind and the Triad of Perspectives on Autism and Asperger Syndrome: A View from the Bridge. The latter sounds like a book that might be something you might find useful.

    This guy has a pretty comprehensive list of books that he talks you through. He's on the spectrum and covers the ins and outs of them.


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