First Post - Autismland Introduction

If you're bored right now, think about it. We always complain about how bad the others treat us. Maybe having our own country, our own rules and an education system will make a difference in our lives.
Autismland is a royalist democratic party in World Aspergers' Organization.
Autismland is a member of the World Aspergers' Organization and the World Aspergers' Organization's Royalist International.
[ Programs ]
  • Welfarism.
  • Backing up the Descendants of Hans I (Dr. Johann "Hans" Friedrich Karl Asperger) to the throne.
Positive aspects will be:
  • Royalism.
  • Reformism. Building onto the British know-how and institutes.
  • A Western welfarist monarchy modelled after Great Britain.
[ Symbolism ]
  • The infinity mark symbolizes the sovereign Autist state.
  • Royal colours, the dark red and gold symbolizes the Royalism.
  • The Anglican Bible verse quotes a part of Malachi 3:10 from King James Bible, as a symbol of the welfarirm and the British model.
[ External links ]
  • [ PS ]

    "I think we need a cool symbol for the European Branch to recruit Dutch members.

    I read a theory that Europe means sunset in Hebrew. Sunset could be a nice symbol, couldn't it?


    Based on the quoted idea, we tentatively designed a symbol for the Land of the Setting Sun!

    [ version 1 ]

    (Big size image)

    [ version 2 ]

    (Big size image)

    These depict the instant when the sun is captured by the waves and sink under the Pacific, Surrounded by sunset clouds!

    Thoughts and Impressions?

  • [ PS ]

    "I think we need a cool symbol for the European Branch to recruit Dutch members.

    I read a theory that Europe means sunset in Hebrew. Sunset could be a nice symbol, couldn't it?


    Based on the quoted idea, we tentatively designed a symbol for the Land of the Setting Sun!

    [ version 1 ]

    (Big size image)

    [ version 2 ]

    (Big size image)

    These depict the instant when the sun is captured by the waves and sink under the Pacific, Surrounded by sunset clouds!

    Thoughts and Impressions?

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