Raising Autism awareness in an educational facility

Greetings to you all,

I have started this thread to discover other individuals perspectives regarding the best way to raise Autism awareness within a secondary school setting. I currently work at an academy which is very aware of the neurological development disorder, however I believe we can do better. The majority of the members of staff are quite knowledgeable about ASD and implement interventions to support teenagers with ASD where possible with academia, however, I feel if the student body were more aware of the condition, I believe our teenagers with ASD would get a much more fulfilling experience from their time at school. I welcome any responses and look forward to hearing from you all!

  • neurological development disorder

    Semantics - Young minds - Influence - Trickle down effect. I'd call it 'Autistic Spectrum Difference' rather than 'neurological development disorder' or 'autism spectrum disorder' for starters?

  • Sorry, my ASD traits deem it for me to be precise when discussing actual conditions that have been given a name by medical professionals. Semantics as you call it would not be raising awareness as such, no? I agree that the labels society gives individuals with certain "differences" (btw I call these "differences" - as you put it - gifts/blessings because the label "differences" is also pretty darn negative no?) is inappropriate!  

  • There are many different labels as @Endymion has said.

    I call these "differences" gifts and blessings too Relaxed

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