
Hi I wondered first if anyone could recommend a gym in the Berkshire area that is neurodiveese friendly or at least verry quiet I've had a brief look and doesn't seem to be a lot out there desperate to go but there just to busy and hectic 

  • The gym: noise canceling earbuds or headphones work wonders. Some are quieter than other, and at different times. Most folks are at the gym to do thier own thing and are in parallel mode with each other so that's nice. Look on youtube to see how to use the equipment beforehand.We make our own accommodation.

    The biggest hurdle for was the beign around other people but I soon discovered they are all in their own little worlds and don't really notice me. 

  • The gym: noise canceling earbuds or headphones work wonders. Some are quieter than other, and at different times. Most folks are at the gym to do thier own thing and are in parallel mode with each other so that's nice. Look on youtube to see how to use the equipment beforehand.We make our own accommodation.

    The biggest hurdle for was the beign around other people but I soon discovered they are all in their own little worlds and don't really notice me. 

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