OMG! The Environment!!

Recently my relentless search for truth led me to some figures that looked credible to me and there was a handy litle graph showing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere as it appears in holes cut in ice that is known to be some zillions of years old. 

What I do remember clearly, is a nice little graph (that looks like gold in stable economic times) with the price, sorry, amount of CO2 remaining overall steady at around 315 "units I can't remember" for some 800 thousand years then doubling after the industrial revolution. 

 That's probably serious, thinks I.

The implications to me, are that not only do we need to stop addding any more carbon to the ecocycle, we also need to pull several gigatons of the stuff back out of the atmosphere and sequester it back undergournd perhaps, or make lots of carbon fibre things...

I'll save you all a LOT of time and scratching of your bonces and tell you straight: NOTHING will change unless we get a new and massive source of electrical energy. Humanity is not only stuck at this level but actually facing a great fall backwards if we don't get that new source of power.

At which point I note that I am leaving an amateur fusion project, out of the sheer frustration involved in working in that field dominated as it is by overpaid idiots... My band of underpaid idiots  run fusion as a set of pulses and extract the energy during the pulse to keep down the waste heat... Makes the apparatus required MUCH cheaper, much more manageable. We even proved some of our schick but it really needs the proper people to get involved if we are ever to get power out of the thing. But we did get it to produce helium...  

At the moment all our reliable internal combustion cars are being semi-forcibly retired and replaced with electric cars that if you leave them standing for several months unattended will likely be RUINED in a massively expensive way. I have extensive expernce wityh lithium batteries and any radio control modeller will confirm this.

We are so screwed...

Discuss: In an Autistc way!