Are periods of feeling sleep, dizzy and having a sore throat symptoms of autistic fatigue?

Does anyone experience periods of dizziness, sleepiness and sore throat as part of their autism fatigue?

I've experienced autistic burnout since the end of 2020 and was starting to recover but in the last year or so I've kept having what I had assumed were viruses- I'd have a few days where I felt dizzy, very sleepy (this feels different to the fatigue I experience the rest of the time and leads to me spending most of the day asleep in bed) and had a sore throat. This has happened at least 10 times in the last 10 months and is having a massive impact on my life.

I've had 5 GP appointments and two blood tests (the results for which came back completely normal) and the doctors don't know what's wrong. I've now been referred to the hospital but it's going to be months if not years before I get a hospital appointment.

If the repeated periods of dizziness, sleepiness and having a sore throat aren't autism fatigue symptoms, has anyone experienced this for other reasons? I know even medical professionals can't diagnose people online, it would just be great to know if there any other conditions that would be worth me looking into.

Thanks for your help.

  • check for these 2 things. Ask to checked specifically for them. #2 should get their attention at least.

    #1 - anti-bionic resistant bacterial infection, mold born, in the sinus.

    #2 - Méniér's disease

    one is often a comorbidity with the other.

    #1 - mimics a flu when it flares in wetter weather or under stress.

    #2 - mimics a panic attack with out the panic, or if one has sat still fro a long time without moving the head.

    I have both and #2 I manage by jerking my head around to loosen the fluid in the cochlea from time to time. 

    I love doing that anyway so win/win.

    #1 I manage by trying to stay clean with a neti pot and just soldiering on. Outside of Steroids, Allopathy has no clue what to do.

    If any kin out there have a clue or something that worked for them - I'm all ears Laughing

  • If you suspect a mould born infection then you could try a medical herbalist, I know there are herbs that will treat fungal infections.

  • I second the possibility of mould. I experienced dizziness and drowsiness due to one in a flat I used to rent. As it was odd and happened on repeat a few times in one bedroom I ordered a VOC test kit and switched bedrooms. I wasn't wrong. There were other chemicals leaking from the paint in the walls.

  • I second the possibility of mould. I experienced dizziness and drowsiness due to one in a flat I used to rent. As it was odd and happened on repeat a few times in one bedroom I ordered a VOC test kit and switched bedrooms. I wasn't wrong. There were other chemicals leaking from the paint in the walls.

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