Household Jobs/Tasks


First time poster here so please be kind. 

My wife and I have hit an issue. In short she does most of the household tasks. I do what I am given to do meticulously however she is quite right in suggesting that if jobs are not part of my routine I simply don’t see and therefore don’t do them. 

Convenient eh ?! 

I can assure you I am not lazy but agree with my wife in that she ends up taking too much on leaving her feeling overwhelmed. 

I am convinced that my ASD plays a part in not doing things if they are not an ingrained habit.

Has anyone else hit similar obstacles and I am interested in practical ways that have proved successful solutions for you guys. 

Many thanks 


  • I'm all over the place sometimes I get obsessive and I want to do everything or i'll do nothing theres no inbetween as for cooking my mum sorts that out as a struggle to prepare meals and also the motivation etc. I hope it gets sorted Slight smile

  • I'm all over the place sometimes I get obsessive and I want to do everything or i'll do nothing theres no inbetween as for cooking my mum sorts that out as a struggle to prepare meals and also the motivation etc. I hope it gets sorted Slight smile

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