Book Synopsis

I have the synopsis for the novel if anyone wishes to see it :)


The prologue begins in 1980, in the fictional town of Ashdale, located south of Yorkshire, UK, where a children's party is being held. Lily is an ordinary vixen, and Sviatoslav, a vulpire; a species of a fox which was once plagued by the curse of the vampire. 

It is revealed that Sviatoslav has autism, and as a result is not overly fond of over-stimulating scenarios. After locating him asleep in a cardboard box in a secluded part of the house, Lily coaxed him back to the party, where Sviatoslav quickly succumbs to the stressful events which cause him to have a meltdown. He is quickly detained and comforted by Lily, and despite some teasing from the other children, she defends him. 

Soon after the children go home, his father Vladislav arrives home and informs his wife Sandy that he and the S.T.R.I.P.E.S (Special Tactical Rapid Interceptor Police Enforcement Squad) have finally caught one of the gang members primarily responsible for the death of a security guard after a botched cash-grab job. The perpetrator "Slick-Will" is to be charged for the crimes he committed. Later that evening, the childrens’ parents talk about the days events, where Lucy and Richard give the Vulpula family some bad news. 

Not a week later, both Lily and Sviatoslav are made aware of the revelation that the former has to move away to a far off city later that year, and it's very likely they will never see each other again. This news doesn't sit well with Sviatoslav, who has a terrible meltdown and hurts himself in his anguish, but is restrained by his father. Lily is distraught but Lucy assures her that it'll never be the end. Despite the overwhelming heartache, Sviatoslav reassures his friend that "he will wait forever" until she comes home again, before the two part ways. 

Twelve years pass, and Lily, now a fully grown adult returns to Ashdale to permanently live with her aunt Mary after the recent death of her uncle Alfred. Upon returning she links up with her old classmate and close friend Amanda Kane, a raccoon studying criminology and is a personal assistant to her adopted-father, Commander Thomas Kane. She arranges a secret meeting at the manor for the following day so that Lily could reunite with Sviatoslav again. 

The next day, after spending the morning with her aunt, Lily heads to the castle grounds on foot full of excitement and nerves. After encountering both Kane, the leader of the S.T.R.I.P.E.S and his third-officer Captain Raymond Wakefield, Lily continues on and is greeted at the front door by an emotional Sandy, who is overjoyed by her arrival. 

Together the two locate Sviatoslav, who happened to be swimming at the time and the two quickly reunite. However, Sviatoslav is unable to process the emotions too quickly and runs off, almost knocking Vladislav down in the process. A terrified Sviatoslav locks himself in the bathroom but is coaxed out by Vladislav, and both he and Lily start again. After clumsily getting himself dressed, Sviatoslav and Lily decide to head downtown to Ashdale for an afternoon tea, and they both agree to see more of each other over time. A few days later, Lily discovers an old violin in the music room and plays it which impresses Vladislav, who states that it used to belong to his mother. As the two depart, an unseen force blows the lid of the case shut revealing the dusty brass plaque that is inscribed "Mary-Ann". 

Despite the two insisting that they're only friends, Sviatoslav and Lily soon start succumbing to their deep connection to one another, enjoying days out and accidentally getting caught out in a rainstorm. Later that day, Vladislav inadvertently injures himself and he is unable to perform the main dance that is held once every five years in front of Romanian delegates. 

Sviatoslav shares many stories of the family, one that piques Lily's interest is of a sacrifice the first Vulpula made when his wife and son died during childbirth. Giving up his own life force, the vampire brought them both back to life but in doing so takes their place in death. The sacrifice ends the dark curse of the family, allowing them to become fully mortal and become a new species as a result. Despite the skepticism, Lily remains intrigued and curious. 

After a night in and accidentally falling asleep together, the pair are sent on errands including shopping and getting the car valeted. However, Lily's ex-boyfriend Michael Peyter arrives not long after they finish, in the hopes to reason with her and take her back but she refuses, causing Michael's true colours to emerge. Sviatoslav shows up and tries to resolve the matter but a jealous Michael punches him causing minor injuries. 

Captain Wakefield and his right-hand man Harry Hayward intervene but Lily and Sviatoslav ask for them to let Michael go, thinking it could cause problems with his parents if word got out. Michael is released, but cryptically warns them that he isn't done. Sviatoslav is later checked over by Dr. Nina Hargreaves, the S.T.R.I.P.E.S Chief Medical Officer but his injuries are only minor. 

Later, the two are called by Vladislav and Sandy, who explain what had happened and that they can't do the dance anymore. The parents hand the mantle down to Lily and their son, who readily accept despite the lack of time they have to prepare. In an attempt to inspire both Lily and Sviatoslav, Sandy sends them off to a ballet performance downtown, followed by a dinner for two after. Here, Sviatoslav completely misses Lily's advances, and the rather irate vixen heads home with an oblivious Sviatoslav watching on. 

Realising what he'd done wrong, Sviatoslav runs back to Lily's aunts’ house in torrential rain with a ghettoblaster in an attempt to show his feelings but the plan backfires. He tearfully apologises, unsure what he is supposed to do or how to recognise signals and begs Lily not to leave him ever again, to which she tearfully agrees. 

A few weeks later, the night of the venue arrives and Sviatoslav is determined to show Lily how he feels but cannot bring himself to do so. His father, along with Kane and Marko Dascalu comfort the terrified teenager, and assure him that if Lily loves him the way she says then he should just accept it and just tell her. 

Lily in turn is met by the ghost of Mary-Ann, Sviatoslav's grandmother, whose spirit was released owing to Lily playing her cherished violin some weeks back. Though frightened at first, Mary-Ann gets off some pearls of wisdom and tells Lily how much her grandson truly loves her despite his efforts, but not before telling Lily to call for her if she ever needed help again. Captain Wakefield arrives moments later, and Lily asks him to get Sviatoslav to meet her by the koi pond. 

The pair meet up by the very same pond where they had spent much time as children, the two finally declaring their love for one another, Sviatoslav following his fathers’ advice which works well. After finally letting it all out into the open they decide to head off for the venue, and put on a stunning display in front of the Romanian Prime Minister Marko Dascalu, to the beat of 90's techno on roller-skates.

The two celebrate with their first ever kiss in front of friends and loved ones, including Lily's aunt Mary who Sandy had covertly invited along. Dascalu dismisses the two from further proceedings stating they need time together as new lovers, and after a night of frolicking in the gardens like they used to as kids, Lily and Sviatoslav enjoy a private moonlit swim before retiring to bed where they spend most of the night “catching up”. 

A few days later, Lily inexplicably passes out in the garden, with everyone assuming it is heatstroke owing to a small heatwave, but tests conducted by Dr. Nina Hargreaves down in the S.T.R.I.P.E.S infirmary confirms Lily is actually pregnant having conceived in only forty-eight hours. Unable to comprehend the revelation Lily gets angry at Sviatoslav, who is oblivious as to what's going on. She soon calms down and leaves to be on her own, but promises to return so she can talk at her own time and pace. Despite Sviatoslav demanding answers, Sandy and Nina remain silent, fulfilling Lily's wishes not to speak about it until she was ready. 

Lily heads home only to find her aunt is downtown and decides to head into Ashdale to find her. After a spate of morning-sickness Lily is less than pleased to be confronted by Michael once again along with his friend Trevor Morgan. After letting slip that she is now with Sviatoslav, Michael abducts her with Trevor's help, but not before Lily is able to quickly contact Amanda and warn her as to what's going on. 

Sviatoslav senses Lily's fear thanks to biting her on the neck on that fateful night, bridging a telepathic link between the two when one or the other experiences heightened emotions, and realising she is in danger, Sviatoslav runs off to find her, with the S.T.R.I.P.E.S in hot pursuit. However during his search his wings finally birth causing him to blackout in pain for a while. 

Whilst Michael holds Lily in Little Owls' engine shed down by the seaside station, he sends Trevor out to get something to eat but is immediately accosted by Sviatoslav who forces the hapless companion to take him to Michael, to which Trevor complies. Sensing a trap however, Sviatoslav sends Trevor in first and Michael attacks him by mistake believing it to be Sviatoslav. Sviatoslav in-turn is able to outwit Michael enough to get Lily free and escape, and whilst the vengeful ex-boyfriend tries to intervene once again he inadvertently falls into an inspection pit knocking him out so that Sviatoslav can fly Lily back to Castle Vulpula thanks to his new wings.

Michael pursues and armed with a sawn-off shotgun infiltrates the now-abandoned castle to face off against his love rival, destroying his car in the process. Despite Sviatoslav's overall size and knowledge of the property, he is not a fighter and ends up getting shot in the leg. He is able to deceive Michael in order to dispose of the weapon but gets bludgeoned with a candlestick, but before Michael can deal the killing blow, Lily comes out of hiding and knocks him down with the candlesticks twin allowing her and the dazed Sviatoslav to escape for a while. 

S.T.R.I.P.E.S find the unconscious Morgan and deduce that Lily was there but has since moved on. Amanda arrives and delivers the bad news that Michael Michael is in fact the son of the late William "Slick Will" Michael, and has come to Ashdale to avenge his father's death. Realising that he is responsible, and that Michael is going to kill his son to get back at him, Vladislav and the others race back to the castle after Sviatoslav had managed to send an emergency broadcast to them via radio link to Wakefields' car. 

Michael, now on the brink of insanity catches up to the pair and takes the fight with Sviatoslav into Vladislav's office after accidently knocking out Lily, where he completely outclasses Sviatoslav in both speed and fighting prowess. After beating him up badly and cursing him for taking Lily away from him, Sviatoslav finds the revelation to completely rejuvenate his spirit and gives him both the courage and strength to fight back and turn the tables on Michael, completely overpowering him. Sviatoslav allows him to walk away but knows he won't get far as the S.T.R.I.P.E.S have arrived. 

Lily regains consciousness and the two embrace, but Michael returns with Vladislav's pistol holding Lily at gunpoint. S.T.R.I.P.E.S intervene and Vladislav finally faces Michael, the latter threatening to kill his son. Vladislav explains to Michael that he knew all along that his father was innocent due to a discrepancy in the murder weapon used, and that he had been close to proving it but William was murdered before he got the chance to bring it to light. William's boss, Lawrence Crayford had in fact set him up for the crime, considering him to be expendable, and after getting wind of his possible appeal, he ordered his execution to prevent it going ahead. 

Despite this though, Michael refuses to believe him. Sviatoslav pounces Michael intending to disarm him but the gun goes off, fatally injuring Sviatoslav. Enraged at the sight of his harmed son, Vladislav goes into a demonic rampage, seizes Michael and mauls him to death on the castle rooftops. 

With the scene secured, everyone rushes to Sviatoslav's aid, to discover he had died almost instantly from the gunshot, leaving Lily devastated and inconsolable. 

Vladislav, unable to cope with his guilt and grief, uses his magical knowledge passed down through the family to return Sviatoslav to life by giving up his own life force, but at the cost of his own life, taking his son's place in death. 

Despite everyone's elation, it is now overshadowed by Vladislav's death, the revitalised Sviatoslav utterly grief-stricken by his father's own sacrifice. Vladislav's ghost appears, telling his son how proud he is of him and asks Lily to look after his son. After parting some fond words to both his wife and friends, Vladislav's spirit finally departs the living world, promising he will see them again. 

A month later, a pregnant Lily and a rather lethargic and still grieving looking Sviatoslav prepare to take one last train ride around the bay before the winter comes, both looking forward to their marriage, and the birth of their baby. Lily is finally moved into the castle and everyone comes to terms with Vladislav's death in their own respective ways. 

Later that afternoon, a dot-printer starts up in the castle which types out a text letter to the Vulpula quarters from Dr. Hargreaves. She requests Lily return for more tests as it's highly probable she is carrying twins. 

  1. Hope that is an interesting enough story for you all? It'll be a lot more in depth than it seems :) Trust me 
  • Most kind of you friend. It's nice to have some positivity from an outside audience, and it's assuring to know that there is potential to be found. 

    Thanks again for your words, and I shall endeavour to work more on perfecting it :) 

  • Hello, CoveredCA

    The synopsis of “Sweethearts - I Can Wait Forever” paints a vivid picture of enduring friendship and the trials of separation. It’s touching to see how the characters navigate their challenges, particularly Sviatoslav with his autism, and how their bond withstands the test of time and distance. The blend of fantasy elements with real emotional struggles gives the story a unique flavor. It seems like a tale that will resonate with many readers, especially those who appreciate a mix of adventure, personal growth, and the complexities of relationships. I’m curious to see how Lily and Sviatoslav’s reunion unfolds after all those years apart.

    Thank you for sharing this intriguing synopsis!

    Best Regard,
    Ryan Manus