How many people here are both isolated and alone and also have the Christian faith?

I know we have a few really isolated people here, and I know we have a few Christians, but I'm interested to see if there many (or even any) who exist in both groups.

*EDIT* Thank you all for your answers. It's been a nice discussion to be a part of for once! It seems fair to say that the christian faith fro those who have it seems to help a bit in most cases, greatly in others, and fail for some. A common cause of "failure" seems to be a mis-selling of the basic message, the nature of which varies depending upon which imperfect human tried to give you the faith. The God I believe in, has given us everything we need to have a great life, if we can only just learn to use it right.

Most of us need to live a long life just to figure that out, then we die! 

  • Depends what you mean by isolated. I am married, but we are covid hermits, though he is increasingly reluctant about that. So we can't currently attend church in person and don't see many other people. Why are you asking? (meaning that as a genuine question not in any  passive aggressive sort of way, reading it back it seems abrupt but I don't know how else to put it!)

  • A good question. I was thinking of the people who live alone do not get out to see others, receive no visitors who aren't doing a job or taking their money, but I see "isolation" as a mindset more than a physical thing.

    I go out very infrequently now, but I'm not isolated, as I have several people who call me for  a chat, film night, my bit of voluntary work, people in my "friends list" who actually have the makings of real life friends, and of course my partner, lovely cats, and er, once you believe god exists, that simple fact means axiomatically you really are never truly alone.. 

  • Indeed, never truly alone. I do see the Biblical ideal as a loving community who carries each others' burdens, but also there are times in the Bible where people had to spend a deal of time alone or away from the community for various reasons.

    Cats help too!

  • Indeed, never truly alone. I do see the Biblical ideal as a loving community who carries each others' burdens, but also there are times in the Bible where people had to spend a deal of time alone or away from the community for various reasons.

    Cats help too!

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