Help Pls

Hello, I'm new to the world of autism. I'm not actually diagnosed quite yet but I am almost positive I'm on the spectrum. I've done online tests and each one agreed I was likely autistic and I've read up on it so many times and I have a lot of traits that match up. I'm tempted to go private, the waiting is causing distress to me and I have a lot else on my plate at the same time and struggle to balance it all out. 

That is one of my questions which I am hoping you can advise me on. Should I continue waiting or go private for the diagnosis? I'm not sure if it will be any faster and also if it's as good as the NHS. I went private for dentist before lockdown and I found it was worse. Not sure what to do here.

My other problem is anxiety. I'm constantly anxious and I read up on it and read about things to do like breathing exercises but they didn't work for me. I also tried yoga and that didn't work either. Any advice for this is welcome.

Last is sleeping. I don't sleep much. I get about three hours and then I'm awake again and feel refreshed. I spend most of the night awake doing things I also do during the day. But I don't think it's insomnia because I feel awake, it's not like I'm dead tired all the time. Has anyone else been like this? 

If it's ok to do so I'm going to continue posting my journey here.

  • anxiety in response to stressful situations is perfectly normal, but to much in short period of time might overload you, you do not want to have a meltdown in public

    less sleep without downside is a nice bonus I would say, you might find out you need to eat more, like I did

    just remember to have days to relax and recharge without any stress, or you will burn out eventually

  • I survived the public event this morning. It was anxiety inducing but I just about forced myself through. I have another day of events tomorrow but Sunday is my day to relax.

    I wonder if I need to eat more then like you. I get my few hours sleep but the rest I'm awake but I do feel hungry. My diet is very bland so I might make a food diary see what I like and don't.

    What do you tend to eat? If you could help me have a similar diet that would be good.

  • I survived the public event this morning. It was anxiety inducing but I just about forced myself through. I have another day of events tomorrow but Sunday is my day to relax.

    I wonder if I need to eat more then like you. I get my few hours sleep but the rest I'm awake but I do feel hungry. My diet is very bland so I might make a food diary see what I like and don't.

    What do you tend to eat? If you could help me have a similar diet that would be good.

  • I reasoned it like that: because you continue to be active, your body needs more fuel, brain is massive energy consumer, and takes only glucose

    My diet isn't balanced, I overeat to compensate possibly a bit too, you could say I'm pescaterian, though once a month I need beef, to compensate for my blood's shortcomings, low iron absorption and retention, meaning low hemoglobin


    no ready meals

    sweet potato instead of white

    no pasta

    very little and wholemeal only bread, (e.g.2 slices to make a ham and humus sandwich for a lunchbreak at work, topped up with boiled egg, raw tomatos and raw peppers)

    fish, I like mackarel a lot

    fruits, veggies in all variaties, a lot beans and nuts in it


    I would still eat chicken if it wasn't for poisoning I got few years back