It is about time, that my faithful hound, is acknowledged for the work he does..
Thank you very much Sarah, I’ve just applied for one, I’m glad these exist..:)
Hi there! Welcome to the commuity - Great to hear about your Chi-Spaniel, sounds like a special pup!
In regards to your question about certifying him as ESA, I am not an expert in that area but I wonder what you need the certificication for? Are there places that you go that your pup cannot? Are there places that you would like to go but do not due to not having him with you?
If so then have a look into the process of certifying him and ask them questions about what the certification will provide you and your pup with, will the certification give you what you are looking for
You may find this website useful
Hope that helps,
Hi im Amber, i have anxiety and depression and i get panic attacks quite often and the only thing that helps me is my 4 year old Chi-Spaniel. I was wondering if i could certify him as a ESA or if i shouldn’t.