

I am a vegan and was wondering if there were any other vegan Aspie's out there.  I would be interested to know if it has helped any sensory issues.

  • I think that if you are worried about food being fed to animals while there are people who still go hungry, there are people who eat a massive amounts of food and become morbidly obese, so why don't these people share food with those who starve and have nothing to eat at all? We can feed all these animals and all these morbidly obese people, yet there's people who still starve. I mean surely if we have enough food to feed the morbidly obese, we have enough food to feed the hungry as well.

    I think there's just an unequal way of distributing food throughout the world. First world countries can eat until they're morbidly obese, and in 3rd world countries the money and food are so scarce that it's hard to survive.   

  • Nah vegan food makes me feel sick and to be honest as far as sensory issues it's the texture of it I can't deal with each to there own. Probably a healthier life style. Respect to those who can displane them selves to do it but for me I couldn't give up cheese

  • Food being plentiful has nothing to do with our insane disregard for the ecology of the Earth as we experience it today. When was the last time you were treated for starvation or the effects of malnutrition? It's hardly a disputed fact that food production has reached its zenith, or that food availability is at its highest level since humans first started dabbling with agriculture. 

  • I eat less meat then I used to, and included more vegetables and fruit, but I still eat it. 

    I don't personally think that eating a vegan or vegetarian diet is any better for animals or the environment, considering farming crops takes up a lot of land, which takes away space from the native animal population and prevents natural wildlife from thriving. Also while harvesting crops, animals can get run over by the machines. They can also get run over during transportation. 

    Also there's less fortunate people growing and picking the crops, close to being enslaved, barely eating enough to stay alive. 

    And since the boom in vegan and vegetarianism, crop farmers are also not in good shape. They are overworked and can barely keep up with the high demand. They have to sow, grow, harvest, and rotate all the crops, they're exhausted and it's barely given them any time to do anything else.

    I don't find that meat production is any better, but I understand that no matter what I eat, it's not going to be cruelty-free or good for the environment, considering what kind of systems we have in place, and considering people are always hungry. and there's always a high demand for food, It's hard to change these things. 

    I suppose if anyone wanted it to be absolutely moral, they'd have to grow their own food, so they know exactly where the food came from.

  • Hi - yes, vegan for about 2 years now.  I feel much healthier now but then never had an issue with textures and smells.

  • Not sure I agree that all sources of food are plentiful?  We are destroying the oceans, cutting down the rain forests to allow cattle to graze and generally killing the world.  We seem to be able to feed all the animals but there are people still going hungry.

  • Humans are omnivores. As organisms we've survived and thrived by continuously adapting to our changing conditions, habitats, and availability of food. Our bodies have evolved over time to eat animals (or to eat drink their milk or eat their eggs) and to eat plants (vegetables or fruits).

    Because we are living in a time when all sources of food are plentiful, and our habitats are stable (and this is the only time in human history that this has happened) people have been able to choose the kind of food they want to consume. 
     As long as you make sure you are getting all the right vitamins, it doesn't matter whether you choose to stick to a plant-based or meat-based diet.

  • Its working for her on many levels. It wasnt simply the ecological and basic entitlements, it was additionally a result of her abhorrence of creature items like eggs and meat. She abhors the surfaces and scents of them.

    I'm something very similar. Notwithstanding, I for the most part follow a veggie lover diet, however have vegetarian dishes frequently during the week. I can endure some creature items, seldom.


  • I have Sensory Issues and I am a Veggie,

    • being a Veggie did not help me, I still have plenty of Sensory Issues
    • I am a Veggie Autistic person, if that helps
  • My daughter has been vegan for about a year. It’s working for her on many levels. It wasn’t just the environmental and animal rights, it was also because of her dislike of animal products like eggs and meat. She hates the textures and smells of them.

    I am the same. However, I mostly follow a vegetarian diet, but have vegan dishes often during the week. I can tolerate some animal products, very rarely.