Can any other girls/women, relate to finding Touch difficult with boyfriends?


I’m 31 years old and i know a lovely guy, he’s so good looking, i want to be able to be relaxed but , i just find that I’m really tense and any touch /especially unexpected i dont like.

I dont know, i just like my own space, even though i like having company, i also need space too, as i get emotionally tired, i guess from being social.

And i guess it doesn’t help that i battle an eating disorder, i have body dismorphia, even though people tell me i look nice, or that I’m not fat, i dont see it, i see a fat person:(  So again i dont like people coming close.

this is making it really hard to keep a boyfriend:(   

I dont want to live alone in life either though:( 

feel depressed:( 

  • I have been married for 19 years and I still find touch difficult. It makes physical relations tricky. My preferences change as well and what I can tolerate on one day I can't on another. I have to be v honest and tell him what I can tolerate. If I cam totally zone out all other distractions it can be really amazing! I find being in the dark helps.

  • my friend, an autistic girl ( married ), cant be touched on her face, Non can u joke/talk about it that gets her upset as well.

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