Do non Autistics intuitively "know" how to act and communicate?

I read on this website that "Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other, but Autistics do not", but believe this statement to be completely untrue in so many ways.

I do not believe that there is any one way to interact and communicate and nor do i believe anyone, even non autistic could possibly be thought of as someone that "knows" how to act and communicate in every given situation.

I believe making wrong statements like this just causes confusion.

Would do you think?

Do you think there are people out there that just intuitively "know" how to act and communicate? In that case, what happens when they come across someone that has more experience and is more intelligent than them?

  • I am autistic.  You may have your ideas of what an autistic person is, and some of those ideas will be at odds with my idea of the reality of this situation.

    NTs tend to think I am 'strange' and that some of my behaviour may be 'unacceptable' to the normal.  I can no more be an NT than I can fly like a bird. 

    NTs behave in ways that I sometimes find unacceptable, and I find some of your statements 'strange' and some of your ideas not what I would class as 'acceptable'.

    Some autistic people cannot speak.  This is not an indicator that they haven't any skills or intelligence- there have been non-verbal autistic people with skills that I an only wonder at.

    Some autistic people have no problem with written language but become immensely tongue tied when trying to speak.  Some of us can speak fluently, but still may have needs, suffer sensory overload, be unable to cope in a crowded situation and find it well nigh impossible to cope with change imposed by others.

    Dum vivimus, vivamus .... or words to that effect.

  • I do not want to beef.

    I want to understand.

    If you are unable to help me understand then there is no point in continuing, and it may be me, the non autistic individual that is the cause of the communication breakdown. 

  • So far i see nothing Autistic about you.

    I have had Autistic people in my taxi, they do not speak, they appear extremely anxious and if they do speak it is just to tell me "Football is a good game eh"? and "do you like mimicking"?

    You are not in the same bracket as the individuals i have had in my taxi and delivered and collected from groups for Autistics and as far as i am concerned you cannot claim to suffer from the same condition as those individuals.

  • I am happy to have receive ‘a label’ in my old age after a life of difficulty. If you really want to understand Autism, there are plenty of books out there you can read. If you want to beef... I’m out. 

  • Not sure exactly where you are coming from or going to with this. If you are not on the autistic spectrum you are speaking from a totally different angle to mine. I wouldn’t label all non autistic people as all the same either. Life is much more interesting and varied than that. You are unique, I am unique and so is the next person. We all have different personalities. Not everyone socialises easily. Somebody has to be the listener in every conversation. Are you concerned about your own situation? 

  • So let me understand!

    This non autistic person that understands everything and has a great amount of empathy and knows instinctively how to communicate and act has no problem in calling you "strange" and making you feel the size of an ant and completely misunderstanding you, and it is "you" that has the empathy, understanding and rudeness problem?

    As far as i can see the only thing wrong with you is that "normal" people are not as great as you think.

    They do not know the things you attribute to them and they attribute to themselves.

  • I know, intuitively, how to act and communicate in any given situation.

    Unfortunately, probably due to being autistic, this is not how others expect me to act and communicate.  But to me it makes perfect sense and I do not realise I am acting in a 'strange' or 'unacceptable' way. 

    Not until someone has told me anyway.

  • Are you sure you were not just extremely shy and inimidated?

    Personally i do not think it is nice to label anyone Autistic and tell people that Autism is a life long condition.

    I do not buy in to this luvvie duvvie lets try understand everyone before stabbing them in the back and patronising them with a name which is going to make it extremely hard to get anything other than benefits when they grow up.

    "I do find many people in the world in general, though, just cannot think outside of their own box." Also, how do you know what others think? You claim to find people difficult to understand yet have no problem attributing thoughts to them.

    Also i apologise if i am appearing insensitive, but i am not Autistic "never been diagnosed anyway", so is it any surprise that my powers of understanding is so great??

  • Other people appear to know, intuitively - means that the observer sees the situation that way. It is not a statement about what other people actually are, but a statement about the observer’s belief. As such it cannot be proven to be untrue by anyone else. 

    You believe there are many ways to communicate. So do I. I am intuitive and read non verbal cues that others might miss. But not with everyone. I also misread a lot of people. But that’s just me. We are all different. The part I dislike most in the statement is ‘but Autistics don’t.’ In my view we are all unique, so we do all have different ways of communicating etc. I do find many people in the world in general, though, just cannot think outside of their own box. It’s their way or no way. As a child, though, I just could not interact with other children. That is something that does develop naturally when kids go to school. For me, it just did not. I was clueless. And they were unable to interact my way. Maybe many of us have learned different ways of interacting and communicating that mainstream people cannot comprehend? I dunno. It’s all a bit nit picky for me. If it’s confusing, i would rather think of something else! 

  • Thank you for taking the time to reply.

    (a) Psychic fraudsters claim to have all sorts of "sixth senses".. I have never been diagnosed Autistic personally, but i do not claim to have a sixth sense.

    (b) I also do not think even people that have not been diagnosed with Autism always understand other peoples points of view. I certainly do not.

    (c) And i do not see this empathy and friendliness from non autistics either. I also do not claim to have vast amounts of empathy and i am only as friendly as i can bring myself to be.

    Also it cannot be a very understanding person that thinks "non autistics just magically and instinctively know how to communicate with people"!

    They should not be telling this to Autistic people either as it is simply not true!

    Personally i think a lot of the people that write that stuff are just taking their own hang-ups on people in general that they believe have treated them badly. "Maybe their ex used to be a bit insensitive or lacked understanding so try label him autistic".

  • You'll find a lot of stuff talking about the 'sixth sense' - Theory of Mind - which autistic people are supposed to lack.  I don't think we do completely lack it. Maybe we just use it differently.  For myself, I'm fully aware that other people have thoughts, feelings and points of view.  I just struggle to understand some of it.

    Unfortunately, there's a lot of nonsense and misunderstanding out there, even in these so-called more 'enlightened' times.  We lack empathy, we're unfriendly, etc.

    Theory of Mind

    I've a feeling this thread could attract a lot of interesting responses.
