Do non Autistics intuitively "know" how to act and communicate?

I read on this website that "Other people appear to know, intuitively, how to communicate and interact with each other, but Autistics do not", but believe this statement to be completely untrue in so many ways.

I do not believe that there is any one way to interact and communicate and nor do i believe anyone, even non autistic could possibly be thought of as someone that "knows" how to act and communicate in every given situation.

I believe making wrong statements like this just causes confusion.

Would do you think?

Do you think there are people out there that just intuitively "know" how to act and communicate? In that case, what happens when they come across someone that has more experience and is more intelligent than them?

  • There are many condiitions and diseases, both mental and physical, which overlap symptoms with others.

    I may have a lump on my back.  I am worried about this, so I google it.  Among the conditions I read is cancer.  So I am worried.  I go to my doctor and he says it is a sebacious cyst.  I am happier about that, but it doesn't prevent the discomfort, the numbness down my arm (as it is pressing on a nerve), the fact that it has got infected, and that it needs to be cut out to prevent further discomfort.

    I may have bleeding from my bottom.  I look it up on Google and it says it may be cancer or a haemorrhoid.  I also have severe itching, and it is embarrassing to go to the doctor, so I self medicate.  After a time the bleeding gets worse and it has been very uncomfortable for months and months.  I go to the doctor who sends me to have a colonoscopy.  This I find very uncomfortable but they find it is indeed haemorrhoids which they band.  The fact it is not cancer does not mean that cancer does not exist or that I did not have a problem myself.

    I am suffering from a rapid heartbeat and feeling faint.  I am diagnosed with Atrial Fibulation.  Someone else with rapid heartbeat does not have Atrial Fibulation but is suffering from anxiety.  This does not mean Atrial Fibulation does not exist, or that Anxiety is not a serious condition. 

    And so it is with autism.  Someone suffering similar symptoms but is not autistic does not mean autism does not exist.  And neither does it mean that the other condition is not worthy of help.  But autism exists throughout life, it cannot be cured, and the main 'treatment' seems to be to try to make autistic people behave like NTs.

    I suggest you read up a lot more on autism to try to gain some understanding of the problems autistic people face.  Some of these may be problems of other conditions, but that does not mean that autism is not a very real condition.  I also suggest you yourself take the fifty question AQ test, and also the Aspie Quiz

    Whether you are autistic or not it should perhaps give you some insight.

  • If you read my reply to Robert123 you will see the problem i have in accepting high functioning people such as yourself as Autistic.

  • problem i have in accepting high functioning people such as yourself as Autistic.

    So you are some sort of 'flat earther' of neurological conditions?

    I myself think the moon is made of cheese, that the earth was made in six days, and that Father Christmas visits me once a year.  And I have some evidence for all these, so I know your views overule all others.  So thank you for convincing me I am not autistic despite medical and psychological opinions.

    Or perhaps I think your thinking is a bit suspect. (and that is my last word on this as one cannot argue with a closed mind).

  • Maybe you cannot argue with a closed mind, but you could argue with the professional that labelled you Autistic and gave him reasons why you are not autistic.. Had you done so then he would not have diagnosed you Autistic.

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