About the "How are you?" question

What do you think about the "How are you?" question?

I, personally, do not like this question and I have never liked it.

I do not know what to answer.

Also, a lot of the time, I think it is expected just to give a positive answer, but I often feel awful to say "Fine!" simply to be polite if I am not fine. 

  • I hate it. My manager asks me every morning. I almost always say fine thanks. I’ll occassionally mention whatever cough or cold I have. Or a weekend activity. 

    Never feelings, or the internal turmoil. I’m now wondering what answer an NT gives? Fine? Do they have as much internal turmoil? 

  • My NT partner seems to mostly ignore the question (which is apparently acceptable) and his answers to "How are you?" (and alternative versions of it) are:

    "Where have you been hiding yourself, avoiding the work as usual?"

    "Ah, you're just in time for a coffee."

    "What's new?"

    Answering a question with a question seems to be the way to go! He doesn't stress over anything really and only gets 'slightly ruffled' socially if he doesn't like a person and can't avoid them. In that situation his answer is usually "A'Right?" as he walks past them with a brief nod. I've noticed that he only makes eye-contact with people he likes. I only make eye-contact on days I like people.   

  • My NT partner seems to mostly ignore the question (which is apparently acceptable) and his answers to "How are you?" (and alternative versions of it) are:

    "Where have you been hiding yourself, avoiding the work as usual?"

    "Ah, you're just in time for a coffee."

    "What's new?"

    Answering a question with a question seems to be the way to go! He doesn't stress over anything really and only gets 'slightly ruffled' socially if he doesn't like a person and can't avoid them. In that situation his answer is usually "A'Right?" as he walks past them with a brief nod. I've noticed that he only makes eye-contact with people he likes. I only make eye-contact on days I like people.   

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