No one caring about or understanding me and being lonely

Hello my name is Shola and I suffer from anxiety, mental health and anger problems as I have not got many caring friends as unfortunately a lot of people have let me down. Also I really hate it when everyone do not show that much sympathy for my feelings or seem to support me anymore as I find it very unfair and I am sick and tired of discrimination that is happening on this earth for example when someone is treated unfairly or differently like myself because of their age, race, gender and other factors as I want this to all end and for everyone to realise this is wrong and also I wish that a lot of things were free for once without having to pay for everything that we should not have to pay for.

  • I too resonate with this. Something I’m going to do is volunteer some of my time to a local disability rights group. The guy who is supporting me with my pip application, is going to train me up to do what he does. The woman who I first spoke to at the disability rights service gave me so much confidence, just by her talking to me like I was a sane person and not some kind of idiot or something but at the same time, she recognised my difficulties and that alone was incredibly helpful. 

    They have volunteers dotted around, and she matches  you up with somebody who they think will be best placed to help you. Then they come to see you at your home. I’m not quite ready yet, but when I am, this is a priority for me. I think it will help me to feel more empowered and I’ll be helping others. I can specialise in supporting people on the spectrum. 

    I’m also an excellent social worker, if I say so myself, so I can support people in completing self assessment forms and creating care plans etc. I’m going to re-register as a social worker and get up to date on all the laws etc and I will offer my services for free via the disability rights group. 

    There is far too much discrimination in the world and to be honest, I’m keeping my distance from most of it, but I do love being around and communicating with autistic people, so my work in this area, will be more than just work. It will fulfil my need for social contact with people which will free me up to have lots of alone time, with my dog and my beloved nature. 

    The power is in our hands, we just need to join together to express it in a way that gives us the same opportunities as everyone else. I very successfully used the law to get my clients what they needed, so I know what was successful and what wasn’t and I’ve got even more invested in things now. 

  • Welcome and I understand because I share many of your experiences and concerns.  People are always false and letting me down.  

    Unfortunately that's life.

    The people on this website are more understanding and friendlier.