
Ok I keep seeing all different acronyms relating to diagnosis and different types of medical assessments.

Anyone care to start a list?

1)ASD=Austistic Spectrum Disorder.




I would find it very useful to actually know what they mean. Many thanks.

  • Hi folks thank you so far for your replies.

    recombinantsocks thanks and yes I have been finding the ones I listed on the internet but one came up as a military term? Just seems that being as this is so specifically a forum about autism it would be useful to have a database of often used acronyms that keep coming up,Also it's good to see our meaning of what they mean to us as in the reply by misfit61.

    Quite often something like ADI-R can be found but it's true definition to me is doing lots of research as I need to know exactly what it is.ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised.It is 93 items split into three categories.Took me a long time to track down that info as it only came up on a clinical site.

    misfit61 I like the way you explained ADHD a more human response,I did know that one but just like"autism" it has a varied meaning and everyone's take on it counts.

    hendrow you are correct but unfortunately the internet doesn't distinguish things correctly all the time,your world is not so different to many of us on here! I can be very critical and obsessive when things are not correct,I have learnt that sometimes you just have to let it be.

    elephant in the room that t shirt is great,It would be easy to create something like that for us,maybe just key acronyms that we know are to do with autism but not actually saying anything about autism,kind of a "hey if you can understand this then you are like me" a secret code that others won't understand,

    Tom as usual you can raise a smile,really liking the positive swing for Asperger, I get feeds on fb from the dyslexia forums and they also do similar,using positive upbeat words for each letter.

  • ADHD - Attention Defesit Hyperactive Disorder

    ADI-R - Autism Diagnostic interview (R = reviewed) (Its some sort of form used during assessment)

    ADOS - Autistic Diagnostic Observation Structure (Set structure for assessing Autism)

  • Former Member
    Former Member in reply to California

    Adhd is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder but I don't know the others. Adhd is attentive or inattentive or both. It's about focussing too much or too little on something, problems with "executive functioning " which is basically organising and planning, starting and finishing tasks or not as the case may be, being impulsive. That's a start anyway and lots on the internet about it. Again there are different types and tends to present differently in male /female. 

  • I am also confused and looking for their meanings.

  • Another





