A Strange Fantasy

People on the spectrum, often those diagnosed in adulthood, have said they feel as if they don't belong on this planet. I love planet Earth and her animals but, if only The Doctor really were to exist, I'd gladly take the chance to travel to, and live on, a different planet where I would be accepted.

Part of me wants to write fanfiction about this but it may upset me because there's no way this fantasy could come true. 

  • I do feel a bit like an alien most of the time. I never truly feel as if I belong. I feel like I can never fit in -- no matter how hard I try to change myself to fit in. Reading and writing have always been my escape - getting away to another world. Where I can't be the one that is hurt. 

    I'm luckier than most. I have some good friends, my family try their best... but I feel as if I don't exist on the same plane as everyone else around me.  The world goes too fast or too slow for me. I just can't get on the right frequency.  Most of the time, I don't feel part of the world (and it isn't because I don't want to be/don't care). 


  • I do feel a bit like an alien most of the time. I never truly feel as if I belong. I feel like I can never fit in -- no matter how hard I try to change myself to fit in. Reading and writing have always been my escape - getting away to another world. Where I can't be the one that is hurt. 

    I'm luckier than most. I have some good friends, my family try their best... but I feel as if I don't exist on the same plane as everyone else around me.  The world goes too fast or too slow for me. I just can't get on the right frequency.  Most of the time, I don't feel part of the world (and it isn't because I don't want to be/don't care). 


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