Intense eye contact

Hi. I work with an adult who has aspergers, as his support worker at HE college. We get along very well and i have worked with other ASD students in the past, but i've never known the amount of eye contact he gives me, in any of my past students. He really looks deep into my eyes when he is talking to me and never breaks it when i talk back to him. He also frequently looks at my mouth and then back up to my eyes when im talking back to him. He totally zoned in on my mouth the other day amd parted his lips whilst doing so. If i didn't know any better....well, you know where i'm going with my thoughts on this. I know ive gone into facial cues / body language descriptions in detsil, but i do need some answers re this. We are both adults, but does all this mean he has a crush on me? Id like some answers if anyone has any.


  • Hi loveknowledge87. To answer some of your questions from my own perspective, I find social interaction exhausting because I, frankly, can't see the point of it, really. For me, other than to relay information to someone, I don't feel the need to say anything, in particular, so when I am forced into "small-talk" I find it uncomfortable and hard to keep track of what is being said because I tend to "zone out", concentrating on the TV, music, or what is going on around me.

    I find that physical touch is totally unnecessary for me, also. I feel no desire to be touched by anyone, for any reason. Indeed, if I am suddenly touched in an intimate way, such as a hug or kiss, I will often react angrily and push the person away. However, if it's an expected, I can put up with it, but I would never instigate it.

    That's how I feel from my perspective, but I am sure that many others on here will feel differently.

  • I am so with you all accounts!! The issues of personal touch was largely responsible for my marriage dissolving. But I didn't know I was AS until I was 52 yo, long after the divorce.

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