Aspergers and too much empathy

I have always found people hard to deal with and social situations and all the usual things I guess but also have problems with feeling too much. Almost like anything I feel is amplified and at times it's like walking into a room causes all the feelings of others to wash over me and it has felt like I could feel what others are feeling.

i now almost seem to have closed myself off and am, I guess, colder than I once was. Coping mechanism I guess

However this always confused me in that I suspected Aspergers but associated that with a lack of empathy. Looking at studies seems to indicate there is a school of thought that too much empathy May be a trait in some sufferers.

Does anyone else have these issues?

  • No apologies needed, I wasn't saying it as if to say you should have seen it, but to draw your attention to it so you could read the information (saves me explaining it too! Tongue Out).  I can't remember which thread it was but it was very recent so that narrows it down as this isn't the busiest of forums.

  • No apologies needed, I wasn't saying it as if to say you should have seen it, but to draw your attention to it so you could read the information (saves me explaining it too! Tongue Out).  I can't remember which thread it was but it was very recent so that narrows it down as this isn't the busiest of forums.

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