Migrating to UC


I just received a 'You are Migrating to UC' letter in the post.

To say these letters from the DWP cause me great stress is an understatement, i am wondering has anybody been through this procedure before? 

I am in the support group of ESA at the minute and i am worried that there is not the same category in the UC system

Did you have to be reassessed for your condition/Autism?

Does anybody know of any services aside from CAB that can help?


  • I got one yesterday as well. You have my sympathy.

    The support group does exist in UC but I'm not sure if it has the same name. I think for the support group you will get the same amount on UC as you get now on ESA. But if the UC amount would otherwise be less, provided you do the claim through the 'migration', you can claim transitional protection which will ensure you get the same amount. This should happen automatically.

    You shouldn't need to be reassessed as in theory, your existing 'work capability assessment' should transfer over automatically. 

    Whether this works in practise or not is another matter.

    I'm dreading claiming personally as they prefer you to do in on the internet, but this is just as impractical as a telephone claim. I understand there is no form that you can have sent to you (It would not be difficult to have a normal application form, like PIP does; I think they set it up like this to make it hard).

    I cannot vouch for it myself, but I have heard that the CAB's Help to Claim service is very good, and I intend to call them to make my claim in due course. I will wait a little while though. I made a claim for PIP the other week and still haven't got over the stress yet.

  • I got one yesterday as well. You have my sympathy.

    The support group does exist in UC but I'm not sure if it has the same name. I think for the support group you will get the same amount on UC as you get now on ESA. But if the UC amount would otherwise be less, provided you do the claim through the 'migration', you can claim transitional protection which will ensure you get the same amount. This should happen automatically.

    You shouldn't need to be reassessed as in theory, your existing 'work capability assessment' should transfer over automatically. 

    Whether this works in practise or not is another matter.

    I'm dreading claiming personally as they prefer you to do in on the internet, but this is just as impractical as a telephone claim. I understand there is no form that you can have sent to you (It would not be difficult to have a normal application form, like PIP does; I think they set it up like this to make it hard).

    I cannot vouch for it myself, but I have heard that the CAB's Help to Claim service is very good, and I intend to call them to make my claim in due course. I will wait a little while though. I made a claim for PIP the other week and still haven't got over the stress yet.

  • I got mine on my birthday which pretty much ruined it

    yeah i was kinda hoping labour would slow things down at least for people like us.. I struggle to understand things over the phone and online and often fill things out incorrectly, i will prob contact the CAB like you i might look around for other services that might be able to help, was hoping someone on here had some contacts..

    I darent apply for PIP too much stress for me