How to enjoy Christmas

I enjoy Christmas, this is how.  I was diagnosed at university, aged 30. This explained my previous difficulties, but I needed to bury it. I graduated in life sciences but went into IT. A not very happy career, and Christmases were painful – why can’t I join in and be happy. I felt isolated. I was in my late 60s, tired, and I decided to come clean. I announced to the nice people I meet daily in the doggy park “I have autism”.  It seemed that everybody suspected that, but nobody cared. Probably for the first time in my life I felt free and relaxed.

I decided that there are two main sub-species of people. Homo sapiens neurotypical (NT) and H.sapiens neurodiverse (people like us). I decided to study the behaviour patterns of NT like other biologist study the fascinating behaviour of dung beetles (Scarabaeoidea).

Christmas is a good time to study NT. I go to department stores and watch NT frantically buying presents. I try to work out how do they know what the intended receipt might want. I see what presents they buy and try to work out what the recipient might look like.  Next to the restaurant areas where I can observe NT enjoying their parties. How do they know what to say and when to chuckle?

At home I conform. I put out my Christmas cards – I have been collecting them for years, and I usually get a new on each year from my accountant. I don’t have a TV and I can relax in the quiet with food and wine. I think of poor old NT having to worry about Last Posting Dates and receiving visitors. I feel I am so lucky.


How about you?

  • Human's can be really fascinating, I always enjoy looking at what the people stood in front of me in the check-out queue are buying and what it says about them, lots of fresh ingredients= someone who cooks, lots of ready meals for one, someone single and can't be bothered cooking for one. I wonder if anyone would guess that I'm time rich and cash poor from my shopping trolley? I go to several supermarkets for value for money and to get what I like.

    If the weathers good I might spend some time in the garden, or going for a good walk, whatever the weather I will have a good pile of books to keep me company.

  • Human's can be really fascinating, I always enjoy looking at what the people stood in front of me in the check-out queue are buying and what it says about them, lots of fresh ingredients= someone who cooks, lots of ready meals for one, someone single and can't be bothered cooking for one. I wonder if anyone would guess that I'm time rich and cash poor from my shopping trolley? I go to several supermarkets for value for money and to get what I like.

    If the weathers good I might spend some time in the garden, or going for a good walk, whatever the weather I will have a good pile of books to keep me company.

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