Being on the spectrum is making me undateable

Slight frown

  • I don't know whereabouts you're based, so please accept my apologies if this suggestion isn't relevant for you at the moment.

    Whilst I don't have any personal experience of it (I'm not dating), the Mattr dating app has been advertised to me a few times on social media. The app introduces itself as "a judgment-free, inclusive space for all", including specifically welcoming neurodivergent people.

    It's only London-focused at the moment, but they say they're planning to expand to more areas over time. 

    They say: 

    "We are proud to be the first neurodivergent-friendly dating app."

    "We're all about community, real people, real connections, inclusive to all".

    "Whether you're neurodivergent, neurotypical, or just looking for something...different, our app is unique with verification and accessibility features to support you."

    "Mattr has many unique features but to name a few here: time out toggle, neurodivergent-friendly features, honesty box, face verification and no-swipe behaviour."

    More info here:

  • Yes, to be fair that's true. You'd never know unless you saw me getting out of the car.

    Maybe I should try to figure out how to dress myself a bit more tastefully.

  • That's really positive. But remember I'm not talking about being wealthy. Projecting the image of wealth is in some ways more important.

  • Yes but I'd wager you don't wear your bank balence on your wrist. People who are good at making money are often quite frugal. Its the image of wealth some people are atracted to. If not consciesly then subconsciously. If you are with a woman who wouldn't date you after getting to know you if she found out you were poor you really don't want her. But again putting my cynical hat on, human beings are shallow instinct driven creatures, if appealing to a womans subconscious desire for a wealthy partner can gain her atention in the initial stages I don't see the harm.

  • "You are only masking to get a chance to "show your worth" to the other person through the other conversations you can have.

    The "no weirdos" defence is our biggest challenge in getting to talk to the prospective dates so think of it more as deferring showing your true self until you are confident it will be received well. If they seem like they will freak out then it gives you time to back out with grace and keep any reputation intact."

  • "If you are trying to socialise with a neurotypical then being yourself is often a bad move until they get to "know" you a bit better - they get freaked out by our authentic selves as we bare a striking resemblance to the sort of weirdos they were were warned about by their parents.

    Masking greatly helps the initial interaction and gives you a chance to "sell yourself" better to a prospective date."

  • He said a lot of things mate. Anything specific you wish for me to read? 

  • Read below what Iain said to me.

  • Just be you. Be weird and wonderful. Someone will love you for the person you are, not for the person you aren't Slight smileStay true to yourself, and they will too

  • Sorry, I just had a brief moment of jealousy and self-hate.

    I'm trying to be more open, positive and act a bit more "normal", and less weird, it's hard sometimes, but, I just gotta try as hard as I can

  • That kind of talk is definitely not going to get you companionship Joy Be confident in yourself, and others will do too. A significant other would rather their potential suitor had more self-respect than constantly belittling themselves. It's a real turn-off believe me Grin GrinGrin

    The Greek gods believed we all had two halves to make a unit, hence the term "the other half". Fear not, your time will come so long as you bide your time and heed advice from others. 

    It'll happen. Just remain true to yourself and you'll persevere mate WinkV️

  • What, even for a useless weirdo/geek like me? Lol

  • I have to say - I have the job, the money, even the fancy car, but I'm still invisible, so financial status alone isn't everything (this may also say something about certain stereotypes about what women 'really' want).

  • I've been with my partner for almost ten years now :) She's not only my lovely wife-to-be, but she is also my best-friend too. Maybe rethink your tactics a little, perhaps there is another way to find companionship beyond a dating site and a coffee shop :)

  • Well, I'm sorry, but background acting and music are the only careers I'm interested in, and I couldn't work everyday in a 9-5 job that I hate, I'd be miserable. I need my passions and hobbies, they're my therapy and help me function. And as I said, the amount of work I've had in the past couple of years compared to before has quadrupled, and that, along with my regular job, is now making me a decent enough amount of money, maybe not a millionaire, but enough to feed me and keep a roof over my head, which is what's most important, and I don't recall the last time I had to borrow money from anyone, plus I'm really careful with my finances (most likely another ASD trait)

  • No offence but acting work isn't very financially stable so unless you earn megabucks it's not going to impress most women. I was thinking more about this sort of thing.

    Imagine (if you had the money) renting a very nice car and a very nice suit, supper expencive watch etc. Paying for a fancy make over. Taking a woman out on a date. Being vauge about what you do and how much you earn. Sure it won't work with a real gold diger. But the kind of woman who tells her self she is not a gold digger but subconsciesly really cares about your wealth will be effected by that sort of thing because she's probably too embaresed to come out directly and ask you how much you earn.

  • In japan they have rent a girlfriends who provide everything but the physical intermate aspect of the service. Some people hire them because they are lonely but others for show. to take to their old school reunion or their old friends wedding.

    Here's the thing. Girls are always subconsciesly messuring a mans status. And one of the clearest indicaters is the looks of the girl he is with. It's amazing how much more atractive a man becomes to woman when he has a stuningly atractive girlfriend with him. I thought about this as a dating stratergy. Paying for a younger atractive rent a girlfriend and then having her break up with me after awhile in a very public mannor that made her look like the bad guy.

    The idea being the girls in my social circle would start to think of me as more of a catch and then after they got used to this new idea sudenly feel very sympathetic towards me. This plan has 2 major flaws.

    1. I have no social life at least not one with any single women involved.
    2. I don't have nearly that much money to hand
  • Yes I actually thought about writing a story about this. What if, hypothetically, some one employed someone as a full time prostitute. Not to provide services to 3rd parties. Spicificly in the way you might hire someone as a full time live in maid. What would be the legality? What are the tax implications? Presumably as an employee not a contractor they'd need a pension, sick days. It might be the only time a boss could legally sack someone for refusing to have sex with the boss. How would sexual harament cases work? Is it even posible to sexually harrase someone who's job description is literally to have sex with you. Maybe if you bother them on their day off?

  • Actually, providing carnal services for money is legal in the UK, if it's a private arrangement. It's looking for business in a public place, kerb crawling, or profiting from people who are carrying out the services that is illegal.

    (I know some people find this distasteful, but we are all adults here and what arrangements adults make between themselves is their business, so long as nobody gets hurt)

  • But I don't want women who are only attracted to men for their bank balance

    There is always an option to engage with ladies of negotiable affection and make part of the arrangement to get them to give advice on how to approach and interact with women without coming over as weird.

    Because they are used to role playing and masking as part of their services they should be able to role play the interactions with you to give you practice.

    I'm not advocating doing anything illegal here (although I understand a part of their work is considered so in the UK) but they can also offer services such as I suggest if you discuss it with them first.

    Anything else you negotiate with them is entirely between you two - just remember that services of a carnal nature are illegal I believe but the rest if quite legit.

    This is possibly one of the groups of workers where you can actually get a frank discussion about this sort of stuff and practical advice on the details.