Autistic Adults: how can things be improved?

I have just finished the OU open learn course in understanding autism. I found it very comprehensive, and it's reassuring to see that the content is relevant and thorough for people who want to learn about autism.

The final section dealt with how things are progressing in the 21st century and included this statement:

"There is recognition that autism often goes undiagnosed, notably in females (Gould and Ashton-Smith, 2011), and also more widely in the adult population. Rectifying this problem, and meeting the needs of autistic adults generally, remain significant challenges"

Apparently, one in 34 children are now being diagnosed with autism. I'm thinking that this rate is probably what it's always been, but there are many adults who were not diagnosed, and some who are now self diagnosed (like me) who aren't in the statistics.

There isn't enough money to support the autistic children who have specific learning and development needs (the course I just did included a report by a parent that the funds for their child were used to employ a teaching assistant who worked as a general TA in the school, so their child didn't get any one to one help) So there aren't going to be funds to support any but the most vulnerable of autistic adults, and due to funding even the diagnosis has a very long waiting list.

So, do you have any ideas about how things could be improved for autistic adults without government funding?

I'll start with some ideas:

1. Diagnosis for adults - does this really have to be done by a medical professional, with the relevant associated costs? The doctor I was seeing when I self diagnosed put the results of my AQ50 and another test he asked me to do (probably the RAADS one, not sure) onto my medical records (with my consent) for future reference. Maybe everyone who suspects they may be on the spectrum should be able to take the AQ50 and send their results to their health centre, and then the medical team can treat them the same as if they had a formal diagnosis? Of course, if someone needed specialist help or sheltered housing, a referral could still be done.

2. Employers - should be required to take training in autism and to make reasonable adjustments in the case of sensory sensitivities and anxiety, whether the employee is formally diagnosed or not.

3. Businesses - shops, cafes, public transport, etc, should stop having music playing and loud tannoy announcements. It's a problem on buses/trains that have announcements of stops though as they do that to help blind/partially sighted people, but maybe just turn the volume down?

What ideas do you have?

  • The first step in any adult autism diagnosis, especially later in life, if diagnosis was performed online and report sent via email, must always be a post-diagnosis assessment to both assess level and type of autism and to assess levels and types of appropriate post diagnosis support in all areas of a person’s life, all of which must be carried out in a systematic way (doing the job properly according to proper and recognised professional standards) - this alone would be of far better help and benefit to autistic people and would dispel many of the myths and stereotypes around autism while this would also be a powerful tool in educating the public about autism issues, where following the ethical path would result in a win/win situation for everyone

  • The first step in any adult autism diagnosis, especially later in life, if diagnosis was performed online and report sent via email, must always be a post-diagnosis assessment to both assess level and type of autism and to assess levels and types of appropriate post diagnosis support in all areas of a person’s life, all of which must be carried out in a systematic way (doing the job properly according to proper and recognised professional standards) - this alone would be of far better help and benefit to autistic people and would dispel many of the myths and stereotypes around autism while this would also be a powerful tool in educating the public about autism issues, where following the ethical path would result in a win/win situation for everyone

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