Did you receive a very late autism diagnosis/realisation?

I thought a thread just to discuss this subject might be quite pertinent as quite a few of us on the forum are very late diagnosed/realised.

I was diagnosed at 60.

I read this article today in the BBC news:


How has your diagnosis/realisation affected you?

  • How has your diagnosis/realisation affected you?

    For me, I think it's helped to explain things I have struggled with in my life. In certain situations I am now not afraid to speak out if I know I might struggle with something, or find something downright impossible, and to say why.

    I remember that I did briefly go through a phase of feeling overwhelmed... until I realised that nothing had actually changed and I was still the same person that I'd always been.

    One thing that I find impossible not to wonder is whether my life would have turned out any better if more had been known about autism when I was a child, and whether I would have been any happier.

    Sometimes I feel slightly resentful that I was considered to be shy and a bit of a loner, and was left to fall through the cracks. However, I also think I've done well to make it to middle-age without having had relevant support in place as a child.

  • In certain situations I am now not afraid to speak out if I know I might struggle with something, or find something downright impossible, and to say why.

    Yes sister - you may note that my normally benign disposition is rather shifting on it's axis in accord with your words, regarding our "new forum" roll out.

    Do you know why you are still a "temporary account," despite being a stalwart in this place?

    Does anyone else care that Desmond #Desmond79,  #Desmond1979  (also a stalwart) is still in the same position?

  • Does anyone else care

    Yes, all of us contributors, I should think.


  • (and yourself, as there is definitely only one you).

    Actually, there is an infinity of infinities of me !

    Now, how petrifying does that sound !!

  • You do realise Debbie, I am going to need to have a LONG lie down after this burst on my banjo today.

    I hope that you and your banjo rest well.

    You only have one banjo so look after it (and yourself, as there is definitely only one you).


  • Oh yea - I hadn't spotted the first instance of the "never." 

    However, my point/question still stands.........is anyone getting weird duplicate or triplicate copies of their responses in PM's?


    You do realise Debbie, I am going to need to have a LONG lie down after this burst on my banjo today.

  • Interesting - your use of the word thrice!  Are you getting triplicate responses to your posts sometimes too?

    said 'never' 3 times in the post you are replying to.

  • though (even though I clearly just did...thrice!)

    Interesting - your use of the word thrice!  Are you getting triplicate responses to your posts sometimes too?  It is mainly happening in PM's......some people who I communicate with show me a screenshot of their screen (with some of their replies showing in triplicate) whereas my screen looks normal?

  • Fair point......you are one of the lucky ones!  

    I find things like this / that VERY VERY VERY confusing and frustrating.....and nor do I condone rule-breaking so much either.  Accordingly, it was a chore/upset/aggravating to make that choice to set up a second account for myself.

    However, in the absence of ANY useful communications from the "higher ups" at that point in time, I elected to break the rule to get something done for myself.

    I wonder how many of our members have just been left bemused and have not been able to summon the "will" to try and reconnect here?

    Perhaps some clear "banners" or a new section/page on these pages [CAREFULLY WORDED] might enable them to find their way back?

  • Fair point......you are one of the lucky ones!  

    I find things like this / that VERY VERY VERY confusing and frustrating.....and nor do I condone rule-breaking so much either.  Accordingly, it was a chore/upset/aggravating to make that choice to set up a second account for myself.

    However, in the absence of ANY useful communications from the "higher ups" at that point in time, I elected to break the rule to get something done for myself.

    I wonder how many of our members have just been left bemused and have not been able to summon the "will" to try and reconnect here?

    Perhaps some clear "banners" or a new section/page on these pages [CAREFULLY WORDED] might enable them to find their way back?

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