What have you achieved recently??

What have you achieved lately? List whatever you like, big or small…

I haven’t achieved much sadly. I was on a bit of a downer these last few months as Snowflake, my cat, died suddenly. As she was literally my only friend losing her has hit harder than I imagined it would.

Anyway, one thing I’ve achieved is that every Saturday I’ve been going in to town and having a hot chocolate in the coffee shop. This is huge for me. I always feel anxious and part of me says ‘Are you nuts!?’ but I make myself do it and generally I feel OK when in there and enjoy it.
The coffee shop has been doing an Autistic Morning every Saturday, like our local Morrisons where they dim the lights and don’t play any music so autistic customers don’t get overwhelmed. If they hadn’t done this I wouldn’t have stopped for a hot chocolate the first time.

Definitely a big achievement for me!

  • Even tho I was feeling my I wanna stay withdrawn mood today I made myself go out for a walk.

    Embracing the cool misty air worked wonders actually and I'm feeling brighter again all be it tired. After that I helped Mandy our cleaner do the dishes and then decided to wrap some Xmas pressies

    A day where I thought I would lay in bed feeling lame all day became busy and more fun than I thought.

  • Even tho I was feeling my I wanna stay withdrawn mood today I made myself go out for a walk.

    Embracing the cool misty air worked wonders actually and I'm feeling brighter again all be it tired. After that I helped Mandy our cleaner do the dishes and then decided to wrap some Xmas pressies

    A day where I thought I would lay in bed feeling lame all day became busy and more fun than I thought.

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