Does anyone else feel like it's always their fault or that you are an outsider? In my household it honestly feels like I'm only allowed to have 1 emotion which is to be happy all the time. This alone is exhausting. If I'm happy and positive then there is no issue. The moment I talk too long, be vulnerable about something personal or actually say how the other person has made me feel, there is an issue. I either get blamed for talking to harshly, been told 'well you are the one having a meltdown', been told ' wow you make me feel like a crap person', or the worst is I'm given the silent treatment often for a few days. I feel like I can't express myself or be my true self. I've spoken to the other person in quite a long emotional conversation and despite me being the one consolling them and feeling guilty as hell for bringing things up, I thought things would be better but here I am again. I can't distance myself from the other person as I live with them so I don't know what to do. I struggle with communicating my emotions so most of the time I just keep quiet and get upset when I'm alone. Has anyone else been in a similar situation?