Volunteer, should I quit or keep on going?

I apologise for the length of this post, I am struggling with what I am told is normal and I don't know how to address it, or if I should post it here.

I am 54 and I was diagnosed about 3 years ago. I am a councillor on my local Parish council. I love the role of helping my community and solving problems.  I Previously was a police officer and was medically retired after an assault which left me in a bad way, plus I was unable to mask the autism as I was previously.

I started as a councillor  just over 12months ago. The council was in a bad place but we ended up starting to change things for the better. I am quite rigid in my approach to things and when something is not done as the rules state I struggle. But people don't like me pointing out breaches in rules or policy. I am told we work in a grey area. 

I started having meltdowns after meeting. There are a few things that caused this. First noise, I can't stand the noise of people talking over one another. This was addressed by people raising their hand to speak and it was managed by the chair person. In addition I struggle with the language certain individuals use in email and to my face. Other councillors have said it is passive aggressive. I don't understand that. 

Then in one meeting  the clerk pointed out we had been breaching a financial policy. I asked why it has only just been brought up after we have given £1000's I got a shrug of the shoulders and everyone wanted it brushed under the carpet. I can't do that as rules have been broken.

I get emails from the clerk I am told I misunderstand and that the clerk speak like that to everyone (Passive aggressive)  I find it hard to understand and find verbal communication easier.

I am in a position I feel I am wrong because I can't ignore breaking rules and that I can't just ignore the way I am spoken to. I feel it is just me being bullied and she only speaks to me like that. I am then made to feel stupid because apparently everyone recieves these types of email.

I have approached the chairperson who told me it is because I have had "a lot to deal with." I then sent an email explaining why I have these meltdowns and could we make any adjustments to enable me to carry on as I love the role. The reply ignored any adjustments and said we are all different and this difference is a positive thing we should embrace.

I thought the best way is to use voice notes via what's app it is encrypted, so private and I wouldn't have the issue with printed emails. In meetings I now have my assistance dog and people direct questions through the chairperson. I have agreement to leave the room and or use earphones.

After all that. Is there any advice anyone can offer? Can I ask for these things as reasonable adjustment? Otherwise I will have to leave the council. What and who is the best way to approach this? I feel out of control and isolated as I am causing problems. Does anyone have advice about dealing with breaking rules, it is a big part of my life and I don't understand this grey area.

Thank you in advance 


  • Welcome!

    You have my sympathy.

    I think they are legally obliged to make adjustments that are reasonable. ('Reasonable' is sadly a grey area, though). It sounds like they have made some of these already.

    The rules thing is so difficult. We are good at rules. This situation would stress me out too.