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The internet

Was the world better without it?

I love the 'information superhighway' as it was once known for information and connection.

I grew up having to walk to libraries (using microfiche or books) or read newspapers and magazines if I could afford them, for my information, especially current affairs.

TV was sometimes available but the limited channels gave a narrower bias than these days.

I was dependent on 'experts' like doctors for diagnoses (or the occasional book written by these 'experts').

A lot of walking around shops to be done too (which of course the internet is killing).

There was also the option to ask people questions and try to sift their sometimes dubious replies.

However, it facilitates crimes to a rather horrendous level.

It also isolates people and childhood appears to have drastically changed because of it.

What do others think?

  • When the internet and mobile phones first came out, my grandparents generation were totally opposed to them and they questioned why people were being given unfettered access to it (aside from the costs involved) without having to prove to a police seargent or a court of law before a judge and jury why they needed it for a specific purpose, without a licence being granted for a certain time under strict conditions and without close monitoring and supervision - on balance, many decades later, I reluctantly welcome things like digital ID’s and other online safety laws, even though I have concerns about online privacy on free speech online - it is a certainty that the Chinese style social credit system will come in, in the next few years as it cannot be stopped - in my experience, most people cannot be trusted to act responsibly and they have to be made to do stuff by force of law and by strong and draconian laws being passed and the enforcement has to be draconian without exception nor excuse 

  • When the internet and mobile phones first came out, my grandparents generation were totally opposed to them and they questioned why people were being given unfettered access to it (aside from the costs involved) without having to prove to a police seargent or a court of law before a judge and jury why they needed it for a specific purpose, without a licence being granted for a certain time under strict conditions and without close monitoring and supervision - on balance, many decades later, I reluctantly welcome things like digital ID’s and other online safety laws, even though I have concerns about online privacy on free speech online - it is a certainty that the Chinese style social credit system will come in, in the next few years as it cannot be stopped - in my experience, most people cannot be trusted to act responsibly and they have to be made to do stuff by force of law and by strong and draconian laws being passed and the enforcement has to be draconian without exception nor excuse 
